1. S

    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    So on the M42, rush hour, hard shoulder in use, I should have stopped, and died from, cars, trucks, etc driving over the top of me, You have to get to the nearest refuge, which are quite far apart! But I guess, actually most of you would have liked me to stop, then I wouldnt be typing on here...
  2. S

    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    The car had not boiled over prior to the first repair, the bleed screw had broken, as is quite common in the old configuration, was still water in the system. The temp had been normal all the way to the services, it was after the repair, the worn through hose that it boiled over!
  3. S

    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    Hi Mate! Disco had Partner, 2 dogs in, and caravan! NO hard shoulder, rush hour, was no stopping, would ave been dead! rather live another day.
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    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    Thanks for that, people who have to resort to swearing are mostly of lower intelligence, 1, its actually that you should not try bleeding the engine in this way, 2, The hose was not damaged prior to the RAC repair. And basically youve made my point for me, as the repair should not have been...
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    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    Yep, I know have had a 90 and 110 in the past! great, but wanted this for long distance towing.
  6. S

    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    Arrr ok, so I made the hose, that had stayed in position for many years all of a sudden jump up and throw itself into the pulley! lol ok And the temp didmt rise, was normail one minute, to pushing the top rest over the next! Thanks for your support
  7. S

    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    Arrr ok, so a hose that had sat there in the engine for several years going about its business, suddenly, on the off chance decided to jump into the alternator pulley! Are right yep my fault obviously, they have a habit of doing that! Oh an yes, there was no climbing temp, just normal to...
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    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    :boxing: back at yer lol Guess I could blame a long days work:o
  9. S

    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    Hi Guys! Not to slag them off, but to worn people! Thanks for your comments Sam
  10. S

    Avoid RAC They Killed a stunning Disco 2

    Hi Guys, This is to highlight the incompetent behaviour from the RAC and there total refusal to admit liability. The vehicle is a Landrover Discovery 2 4.0L V8. The vehicle was driven into the services, it had driven fine, temp gauge bang in the middle, no problem. But when the vehicle...