1. N

    Bleeding the bleeding brakes!

    #I too have experienced problem brakes on a series 2a. I don't like to dwell on it but I can remember the sense of despair at my efforts to establish efficient brakes, my wife ended up with the legs of a champion cyclist, no matter what we did, vacuum etc. was all to no avail.# For me at...
  2. N

    Siberian Bridge Crossings (90 with trailer)

    Hi guys, Just came across you, tell me, how did it go getting visa,s , Customs carnet, etc. any problems......? A couple of mates and I, drove a Morris commercial ambulance out to Bombay, back in 1964,and I remember we had the devils own job getting the visa situation sorted. It was then...
  3. N

    Cylinder head kit

    I'm also having trouble with a head gasket. I was about to put the head on when I noticed that the fit of the head gasket was such that there was a substantial space between the cylinder edge and the edge of the gasket on the right hand side. I spoke to the supplier and he assured me it...