1. 1

    TD5 more MPG?

    Good question. Sadly one I cannot give an answer to. But will watch your threat with interest and see the replies and response.
  2. 1

    patience please with the numptie!

    Hi. Short and sweet
  3. 1

    Hell from N Scotland

    Awe right n that No!!!
  4. 1

    2004 90 Td5 xs

    Ps. Thanks great link. Hadn't found that.........
  5. 1

    2004 90 Td5 xs

    Hahaha, Not worrying. Just looking for a pointer to what to look out for. So thanks to bankz5152.
  6. 1

    2004 90 Td5 xs

    Been a member for a while and like I do I read more than I post. However looking for the help advice and assistance from the collective experience that lurks within this forum. Still new to all that is land rover. However. Just bought a 2004 90 td5 xs. Anything I should look out for, be...
  7. 1

    Hello from Hamilton

    David. Well seen that you put West Africa down as your location. Whitehill is a popular holiday location in Africa. Lol
  8. 1

    Hello from Hamilton

    Wolf. I will look out for you and not only give you a beep but a honk and a wave.....
  9. 1

    Hi there.

    Hi all. Hi soldier. Crieff is a fantastic part of the country. A 90 nice!
  10. 1

    Hello from Hamilton

    Hi to you all, thanks for the welcome. Wolf I'm from eddlewood. End of town. Do you know Hamilton?
  11. 1

    Hello from Hamilton

    Just realised I had posted a hello in here over a month ago. What am I like. Memory of a fish. But Bob. Thanks for the hello.......
  12. 1

    Hi there.

    Thanks for the hellos. Just posted another hello I'm here message as I forgot I had posted this one a long while ago. What a div I am. Lol
  13. 1

    Hello from Hamilton

    As the thread implys, New here so I'm just on to say hello.
  14. 1

    Hi there.

    Hi there. Been a member for a couple of days and spent the time trawling some of the posts. So Thot it was time to say hi....