1. A

    remote central locking po

    I had to input the e k a code in to my disco td5 done it polish but my folding mirrors don't unfold and my r c l Disney work any more looked at fuseses all ok any suggestions all welcome Cheers Andy
  2. A

    remote central lo loking folding mirrors

    I had to input the e k a code in to my disco td5 done it okish but my folding mirrors don't unfold and my r c l does not work any more looked at fuseses all ok any suggestions all welcome Cheers Andy
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    New to landyzone

    How do you put a pic on your profile mm not really good on these things give me tools I'm ok but theses things mmm lol
  4. A

    New to landyzone

    Thank you still getting oust to this site always been in to landys never got round to mastering this site lol
  5. A

    Sorry fella just scrapped a 300 tdi if I knew earlier may be

    Sorry fella just scrapped a 300 tdi if I knew earlier may be
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    Hi Just got a td5 xs model on a 2001 plate having problem with cd auto changer Put CDs in go to play then cd error shows I have checked CDs make sure in the slide ok any ideas would be good Thanks Andy
  7. A

    New to landyzone

    Hi there my name is andy Just replaced my tdi discovery for a td5 after some maggot pulled infront of me didn't help he was in a bigger vehicle then me but haho. So I am very new to landy zone so there you go cheers for now. Andy