1. Hedgehog337

    Freelander TD4 Glow Plugs Issue?

    I had a progressively worsening starting problem with my 03 reg td4. Changed the glow plugs and it was ok for a day, then returned to the problem. Did a leak off test to check injectors, No. 1 ok, No. 2 very slight leak off, No. 3 ok. Number 4 ... see picture. That was after about five seconds...
  2. Hedgehog337

    Disco 1 Cruise Control Repair.

    Nice clear operation listing. Now I know where to start. MANY thanks. Kev.
  3. Hedgehog337

    Where can I get a free Discovery 1 RAVE download?

    Thank you Dr_evil, just down loaded RAVE, just hope it helps, fuse 14 keeps blowing, no speedo etc. :eek:
  4. Hedgehog337

    Dam Disco fob, again - sorry

    Hi all, new to the forum, and I'm going nuts looking for a "definitive" answer to that age old question. Disco fobs, painful, rub some cream on it? Just got my self an M reg Disco 300tdi auto, it didn't come with any fobs, so I don't know if I need a single or two button type. I have found the...