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    Freelander 1 Freelander problems

    Cheers, I've had a look the cable in the rear door has snapped. I've tried the calibration, it beeps so I think it's down to the window? I know they were cheap, the scanners but I didn't know if the prices had dropped. I'll stay clear!
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    Freelander 1 Freelander problems

    Finally back! Some one nicked or binned my keys when I was at my parents house. So I had various talks to landrover about key codes, about keys been recut etc....anyway a lot of hassle later, a garage said they reprogram a new key in...! Cut to months later and the spare key was found in the...
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    Push for old diesels to be scrapped.

    They know what they are doing, as they want to bring in road tolls.
  4. A

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    found the ignition keys, I lost a few months ago. D'oh
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    Towing - licences after jan 1997

    That is good news! I didn't know about it. I looked two years ago, and the max weight was 750kg. I've wanted to pick up a few cars in the past but i couldn't because of the weight restrictions. The weight of the car and trailer put me over 750kg, its difficult trying to rely on 'friends' who...
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    Lost keys, help! ;-(

    lol, I'm nearly finished all my welding too. Perfect excuse. ;-D I've managed to find a key cutter for 12 quid, cheaper than the 30 quid I got quoted. Waiting for it to delivered next week, so fingers crossed it'll work. I've a cheap fob on the bay, or a local guy said he could program a fob...
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    Anyone know how to program a remote fob?

    Is that with a new fob or used one?
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    diy tow bar

    Yep, thanks for that. :)
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    diy tow bar

    How much would they be?
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    Lost keys, help! ;-(

    Local breakers has a complete landy in, with full lock set. I'm gonna ring landrover and an auto lock smith to see what the prices are. I love my freelander, but i know she's not worth a whole lot. Let's see what's most cost effective, as that's the main thing at the moment. ;-/
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    diy tow bar

    Did you get bolts with it, to bolt it to the chassis. I won one too, but I can't buy the bolts for love nor money. Local bolt place, was gonna charge 10 pound per bolt ;-O
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    Lost keys, help! ;-(

    Yeah I've just found this link through this forum. I noticed they also supply keys but they are OOS at the moment. It is an option.
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    Lost keys, help! ;-(

    Thanks for that, good info. Cheers, Will look further into auto locksmith
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    Lost keys, help! ;-(

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. Oops, I apologise if my message had come across like that. That wasn't my intention.
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    Lost keys, help! ;-(

    Hi, I've lost my keys to my landrover freelander mk1. Luckily, I had a battery problem before I lost the keys and the rear window was still open a smidgen. I've managed to 'break' into the freelander. I'm still not sure if the alarm is on, I don't think it is. The battery is dead. What's...
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    2wd or 4wd

    I was going to strip it down anyway. I'll be over the weekend most likely when I can get it. I've a heavy duty vice to test it, I'll have a look in the how to section to see if there's any tutorials to test it. thanks :D
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    2wd or 4wd

    Do you think the chances of the VCU been broke is high? I'd only really hear knocking when turning corners at low speed, all other times...noise couldn't be heard. I figured the prop was knocking in the bearings.
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    2wd or 4wd

    Should I repair this, or leave it 2wd? Decisions, Dunno what to do.
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    Removing inner wheel arches?

    I'm planning on removing the inner wheel arches, treating/sanding any rust. Then painting then putting the inner wheel arches back on. I've had alook at one on the rear, and the fixing lug that holds it on. Look a p.i.t.a to attach back on. Does anyone have any tips on how to remove replace...