1. PercyV8

    Rover V8 Engine Oil.

    Really useful video Henry B, so thanks, just purchased some Valvoline 20W50 :)
  2. PercyV8

    Immaculate Series DUC 952C stolen from Cobham, Surrey

    Hi all Spread the word can you throughout our Land Rover networks and Clubs as this appeared on my LinkedIn and struck a chord! This gorgeous Series has been stolen and the owner's daughter posted this in the hope of returning this Landy to its rightful home. Just let me know if you know of its...
  3. PercyV8

    SU carbs and auto choke help please

    Great news this morning, Percy is back up and running and purring well! Managed to get into the auto choke and oiled the springs, but all seemed well so that didn't appear to be the problem. Fortunately my neighbour Dick is rather handy mechanically and a Landy man to boot, so he helped me out...
  4. PercyV8

    SU carbs and auto choke help please

    Thanks Rob, really appreciate your offer and might just take you up on it, taking the auto choke apart this weekend as have found some good links on google with diagrams so looks promising, but I am thinking, simple is better as everything is basic on my Landy, so choke should be the same!
  5. PercyV8

    SU carbs and auto choke help please

    Thanks again Rob, I have found plenty of info on google using FASD as a search and have something to go on now with diagrams and some ideas of how to fix. Although much of the advice is to change to a manual choke as less complicated which is understandable. Pete
  6. PercyV8

    SU carbs and auto choke help please

    Hi All Has anyone any experience of a V8 SDI with SU carbs and an auto choke. Having some problems starting in this weather but started fine this morning as milder, so thinking it might be my auto choke playing up? Looking for a diagram to understand how the auto choke works, it is blue and...
  7. PercyV8

    Series 3 Strong smell of fuel in Cab

    Many thanks for your replies everyone, smell is strongest under the seat so will strip it down and have a good look there and get the talcum powder out! Thanks Pete
  8. PercyV8

    Series 3 Strong smell of fuel in Cab

    Hi all Noticed a few posts about fuel smells but thought I would start my own as recently noticed very strong smell of fuel inside my Cab, so much so, that my clothes (and anyone who dares to travel with me) stink of petrol. My Landy was originally a SWB 88 diesel, but converted to V8 petrol...
  9. PercyV8

    Bonnet sizes?

    I took the plunge and bought a defender bonnet for £20 on ebay, which came complete with spare wheel mounts. Cleaned it up and painted it in NATO green and now looks fab. However not all plain sailing when fitting the bonnet as it sat too high, so needed to lower the front grill and radiator...
  10. PercyV8

    Bonnet sizes?

    As you can see, haven't popped in for a while and still haven't got around to sorting this. Thanks for this info, very useful. I will have a look at a defender bonnet again and keep on the lookout for a V8 bonnet just to triple check the length, but sounds like a deluxe might be rather rare.
  11. PercyV8

    Hi sorry just saw your message finally. Yes still very pleased with them but they aren't a...

    Hi sorry just saw your message finally. Yes still very pleased with them but they aren't a replacement for a roll cage as they don't bolt to the chassis, but still very sturdy. It has kept the good lady happy as they look the part for when our my young children are in the Landy. Took the full...
  12. PercyV8

    Bonnet sizes?

    Thanks Johnny, the grill is about 2 inches from the front wings, so frustratingly out and didn't want go to a defender front grill, wanted to keep Series III. I measured a chaps defender bonnet the other day and much longer as you say, I think cutting it down to size sounds like the best route...
  13. PercyV8

    Bonnet sizes?

    Hi all, just wanted to know if anyone knows if later landrover bonnets were longer than the standard Series 3 on my 88 SWB. My new landy that I bought has a V8 installed and so the front grill has been moved forward to make room for the larger radiator and also electric fan which makes sense...
  14. PercyV8

    Internal Roll Cage for Series 3 SWB 88

    I have found finally found one, great timing. Spoke to this fab chap at his company called HingeandBracket, new enterprise and he is a Landy enthusiast. He has just made these rear internal cages for Series 3 & Defenders and is now working up the same for both Series 2 & 3. Looks like a great...
  15. PercyV8

    Internal Roll Cage for Series 3 SWB 88

    Thank you for all for your advice and help. Yes I think I might look to move away from the bench seats and tackle this differently. Found a local LR enthusiasts who has a pipe bender and happy to help me build a bespoke system which I will bolt to the chassis. Thanks everyone, certainly helped...
  16. PercyV8

    Internal Roll Cage for Series 3 SWB 88

    Still struggling to find source an internal roll cage for my Series 3 Soft Top. Most suppliers to date only offer it for Defenders! Can anyone help, tried the major suppliers to date, but wanted to a cage that looks good with canvas off and acts as roll bar protection too. Not for any major...
  17. PercyV8

    Looking for Internal Roll Cage for Series 3 pick up

    Thanks, will give Whitbread a lookie, as have heard the name before. Will look also at ex military but saw one that didn't look up to the job, wifey is giving me grief of having the kiddie winkles in the back with not enough protection. Health & Safety gone mad!
  18. PercyV8

    Looking for Internal Roll Cage for Series 3 pick up

    Hi all I have seen a few mentions of this, but anyone have any info on where I can get an internal roll cage for a soft top landy series 3. Ideally want one that I can put the canvas straight over, so no sticks! Let me know could?