1. M

    Nanocom Evolution

  2. M

    Ultra sonic problem

    Funny guys, I sorted it out months ago but have just got round too letting the guy's that gave me HELP no.
  3. M

    Ultra sonic problem

    Hi guys Just too let you know that I have sorted the problem with the alarm not working from inside the car. You have to double tap the button in quick time for it to work. Thanks for your input.
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    Loss of power

    Hi just to keep you updated, Problem now fixed, it turned out to be the fuel pump. Thanks for your help and hope you can help again if I have anther problem that I cannot fix. Thanks all
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    Loss of power

    Thanks wammers if that's the case then it's off to the garage
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    Loss of power

    Hi thanks for you input, just had a full service and there is no problem with normal running it is just when I need the extra power. Thanx
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    Loss of power

    Hi all I hope someone can help. I have a p38 autobiography 4.6 2001. Model, I am driving along when all of a sudden I seem to get the felling that the car is misfiring, so back of the peddle and she come back to normal. Also if I were to kick down the car would go then I would get a lot of rev's...
  8. M

    lack of power

    Could it be your fuel pump
  9. M

    Ultra sonic problem

    Hi all I have a 2001 autobiography and am not sure if the ultra sonic alarm works (from inside car. Alarm car. Wait then move,nothing happens), The alarm works from the outside, ie move the car and alarm goes off. Can anybody help Thanks all