1. B

    Buying my 1st Freelander - Any tips?

    My budget would be £5k but i'v made my choice now, im not going to buy a freelander. I viewed 2 today at dealers, and both dealers told me the bad stuff about them and told me that they only seem to sell them to people who export them that dont care about the problems, neither of the dealers...
  2. B

    Buying my 1st Freelander - Any tips?

    Im still pondering lol I dont mind a bit of tinkering (when i have the time) i just dont want a car thats going force me to make the time lol Maybe i'll go look a a few this weekend and mull it over a bit more, so for now i wont say never. Thanks for all your helps guys Stu
  3. B

    Buying my 1st Freelander - Any tips?

    If nothing, you guys have given me an insight more than most "road test" reports give on REAL ownership, so im very glad i joined. Im certainly not going to say i wont buy a freelander, but i have to think more about it. Stu
  4. B

    Buying my 1st Freelander - Any tips?

    Im certainly not afraid to get the spanners out and play with oily bits, but i have to admit from what i have read, it does sound like the freelander and i would be up close and personal more often than i would have the time / want to be.
  5. B

    Buying my 1st Freelander - Any tips?

    LOL, already a member, but see what wanting to defect back does lol
  6. B

    Buying my 1st Freelander - Any tips?

    After owning Shoguns for the last 15 years i did fancy a change as i was getting a bit bored of the shogun, and i did fancy the look of the freelander, but when you stack up what does / can go wrong and the seemingly endless tinkering with the freelander compaired to my last 4 shoguns (wiper...
  7. B

    Buying my 1st Freelander - Any tips?

    I have to admit after reading up on Freelanders im almost put off of them completly, to the point that i have cancelled the 2 viewing i had arranged for tonight and im thinking about sticking with my Shogun or just buying another lower mileage shogun, my shogun has given me 70k of trouble free...
  8. B

    Buying my 1st Freelander - Any tips?

    Hi guys My first post so be gentle, im having a change in my motoring life, im swapping from a Shogun to a Freelander, its a car i will be using for my work (im a photographer) so i guess being used as a second car like, so im not spending loads. Im looking to buy a 3 door model with the...