1. W

    So.. Lancaster vs Flux!

    Hi guys, just a thought! Have you any feed back from the NFU??. I am with them and told them of the mod's that have been done to mine, and insured for a fixed price, did not seem to bother them. They seemed to expect the upgrades as long as they are noted. Done the usual search and they came out...
  2. W

    300tdi Disco auto box oil fill from new

    Hi all, New to the forum guys, can anybody help? When fitting a new gearbox what is the procedure for filling with oil, there are more than enough on servicing but I am unable to find tips on filling a new box. The book says it holds 9+lts I have added 8 and comes out of the breather pipe...
  3. W

    Disc 300tdi auto box oil filling from replacement

    Hi guys, can anyone help? I know this seems like old ground but I cannot find any info on filling after replacement, I know it holds 9.2 lt from empty but only get 8 lt in before over filling comes out of the breather, gearbox replacement was a mammoth task and I don't want to have to repeat it...