1. B

    Damned Freelander

    Hi Lush62, Look after Her, treat it Her like a "Lady", pamper her when you can afford to (little and often) and don't give up. I have spent a fortune on mine and only bought Her last April, but I feel "comfortable" and think that regardless of the negative comments, it's a great vehicle.
  2. B

    Damned Freelander

    Hi there, Cotwold Motoring Services (CMS) The Old Brickworks, Ebley Road, Stonehouse Glos. GL10 2LW. Contact Name: - Mark. Highly recommend.
  3. B

    Damned Freelander

    Get VCU sorted, I went to see Austen and VCU was changed in 50 mins. Best thing I ever did.............. until the other problems!!!!!!!!!!! but I persevered and I can honestly say that I love it and it goes like a dream. It has even been complimented by a local Landy specialist that has...
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    Wecome aboard, I hope you will both be very happy. :)
  5. B

    Diesel in the Oil sump

    Hi Folks, A quick update - Did not use the Freebie once I realised there was a problem. Had it trailered to a guy who came recommended as a Land Rover wiz. Test showed 1 injector pooring fuel in which was going striaght into sump. Good job I don't do long trips eh? The plan - 4 refurbished...
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    Diesel in the Oil sump

    Thanks to all of you who have responded. I must admit that leaking injectors did come to mind, but as I've said before, there were no symptoms that gave me cause for concern not even a hint of black smoke. I assume (wrongly I know) that the EGR or crankcase breather will not have contributed to...
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    Diesel in the Oil sump

    Hi Folks, Checked my oil level a week ago on my 2004 Td4 only to find it had gone up considerably. (I have experienced a poor return on the previous tank of fuel (about 21mpg) :eek:. On further investigation I believe it is diesel in the oil!. I have had the sense not to drive it and it will be...
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    New Member.... Seasons greetings to all

    Hi folks, I am a new member and as you can probably tell by the name, I am on the other side of 60 (but young at heart), with little mechanical knowledge I really need to ask a technical question, but having read read a few comments, I am afraid to, in case I put it in the wrong place. Perhaps...