1. J

    Anyone use Evans non water coolant?

    Ive used it in a Caterham, where after a hard drive, the coolant would get by the radiator cap, and spit out a bit, not a lot, but enough to bother me, with the waterless coolant, there is no pressure build up and therefore no loss of coolant.
  2. J

    New air springs

    Yeah, the hardest part was working out how a piece of plastic( top mount) could be stuck so well, still, a bit of levering with a crow bar sorted that out.
  3. J

    New air springs

    Just to say, have just changed rear air springs on my p38, not a big job a all, first time i have attempted this, also, rebuilt compressor at same time, if you have trouble with the EAS, forget fitting coil springs, fix what is already there, after all, it is superior.
  4. J

    Anyone else having cooling issues in this heat?

    Any chance you could pm me the details of this mod? Cheers John
  5. J

    smell burning oil when driving

    If you spill a bit of oil when filling, it smells for ages until it burns off, if your engine was actually burning oil, you would see the evidence out of the exhaust.
  6. J

    Rave Download

    Hi everybody, have tried to download Rave from several different links on theis site, to no avail! Seeems like links have been disabled or are out of date or something, really have got into the "will keep this thing running no matter what" mindset, and would appreciate all help!! Many thanks
  7. J

    P38's are great!

    I am in no way advocating that one should ignore overheating problems, what I am saying is that, because your engine has boiled over, all may not be lost!. These forums are full of bad news, I thought it would make a change for some one to be positive. Oh and by the way, I have yet to see a...
  8. J

    Sagging sunroof lining!!!!!!!!

    I have the same problem, I have just ripped off the fabric!
  9. J

    Tickover problem ?

    Things always seem worse than what they really are, search the net for second hand parts, or try a breakers yard, £1,200.00 for a pump seems a lot, I would also search out reconditioners. Best of luck.
  10. J

    P38's are great!

    Neither, I just say what I see
  11. J

    P38's are great!

    Had a serious overheat problem a while ago, engine would boil after 5-10 minutes, after reading all the doom and gloom posts on all the forums, concluded that the car was a right off. Started to look at replacements, then thought, this can't be right, these engines are surely not ruined because...
  12. J

    Eas advice needed

    Hi, eas pump is operating too often methinks, every 10 secs or so. The car does not sink overnight,or at all,in fact. So I assume the reservoir must be leaking and needing constant top ups?. I was going to do leak tests with soapy water.....but I don't know where the receiver is or looks like...