1. pepperedwelly

    Double Cab pickup rear canopy / hardtop, Options??

    I have a Trojan back on my double cab. Leaked since the day I bought it and I'm still struggling to find where it's getting in! Other than that it's as solid as solid gets, although from a security point of view I don't think it's massively good. I'm trying to work out a way of wiring it into...
  2. pepperedwelly

    Mid Wales Camping

    Blimey, stirred up a hornets nest here! All points taken on board though. I will say though that we didn't tackle the bombhole, and every single water crossing (flowing or not) was assessed prior to dipping the wheels (hence all the camera footage as only the driver remained in the vehicle for...
  3. pepperedwelly

    Mid Wales Camping

    it's a fair cop gu'vnor - we planned up the trip with someone else but he pulled out the day before and i wasn't cancelling my holiday!! :o
  4. pepperedwelly

    Mid Wales Camping

    eh, we go steady and have the gear!
  5. pepperedwelly

    Mid Wales Camping

    Jus' bragging really - went to Wales week before last camping, greenlaning and just generally knocking about - here's the vid Whoever keeps going off piste on Strata Florida wants shooting...:violent:
  6. pepperedwelly

    Louth Greenlanes

    great - i'll spend some time looking for them then! Thanks guys, much appreciated.
  7. pepperedwelly

    Louth Greenlanes

    Hi all, Just spent an enjoyable week in mid-Wales camping and greenlaning - we're headed to Louth this weekend to visit some family, and I'm just wondering if anyone's aware of anything worth visiting in the area? (I'm not after grid refs or owt like that - I'm well versed in finding...
  8. pepperedwelly

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    taken the spare off've the roof and fitted a swingaway wheel carrier.
  9. pepperedwelly

    The amazing self-opening door!!!!

    thanks for all the suggestions! I've gone with adding a little bit of gaffer to the striker and so far, so good. but then, i've not hit a motorway yet.....
  10. pepperedwelly

    Does your Landy have a name?

    there was only one name that fitted our plate, and our daughter likes driving round in a vortex!
  11. pepperedwelly

    Instrument bulb holders melted.

    multimeter easy enough - find the 12v DC setting - put your black lead (hopefully with croc clip) onto some bare metal (NOT aluminium!!) and then you can use your red lead to find power. You can splice into the sidelight feed happily, but be wary of permanent lives where you don't know what the...
  12. pepperedwelly

    Instrument bulb holders melted.

    you'll need a live (usually red), an earth (usually black) and a feed from sidelights (dependant on the mood of auto-sparky at the time). If you've got a multimeter or voltage tester, the sidelight feed will be the only one to change when you switch the lights on or off, so fairly easy to find.
  13. pepperedwelly

    The amazing self-opening door!!!!

    nope. solid as a brick wall.
  14. pepperedwelly

    The amazing self-opening door!!!!

    looking at the catch mechanism in the door with the door open, it rotates 90deg counter-clockwise when it impacts with the the striker. I cannot, with any amount of IKEA-type repetitive testing, replicate the problem when at a standstill. Hence the problem - it ain't broke, so I can't fix it...
  15. pepperedwelly

    The amazing self-opening door!!!!

    yeah, she's reading over my shoulder unfortunately so that plan's out of the window nuts....
  16. pepperedwelly

    The amazing self-opening door!!!!

    all standard lr - catch rotates upwards 90 deg on impact with the fixed bar. I've lubricated the hell out of it and it still rotates perfectly yet still causes the door to pop open. can't wrap me head around it....:violent:
  17. pepperedwelly

    The amazing self-opening door!!!!

    My wife and I have stumbled across a rather bizarre oddity with our 110 - after about 20-30 miles of A road/motorway, the nearside front door will just pop open of it's own accord. It's always closed properly, but we don't run with the doors locked - although if this continues we may consider...
  18. pepperedwelly

    Why Not To Use Halfords (filters)

    when i worked for halfords (about 15 years ago) the filters were mostly made by coopers. so fairly good on quality!
  19. pepperedwelly

    winch ground

    For something that draws that much power, I'd say running a separate earth back to the battery would be best, else you'll be increasing the resistance of the circuit unnecessarily.
  20. pepperedwelly

    (too) cheap snorkel?

    fair comments - I wanted for practicality but ain't got a huge budget. I'll take a look at paddocks now.