1. J

    RR 4.2 Sc gearbox issue or d-shaft?

    Hello Folks I need an advise regarding an RR4. 2 sc offer I got. There is a gearbox issue no gears and when go into R there is a crunch sound Ive heard it could be a sline drive shaft or gearbox self problem.Whats is a spline drive shaft what have to replace in this case only the wheel drive...
  2. J

    Range Rover l322 4.2sc or RR Sport sc /4.4

    Hello Many thanks for the quick response I know that you need to have occasional deep pockets I'm sometimes undiceded because the p38 4.6 I had 2 of them its easier to handle in all repairs and maintenance aspects as the l322
  3. J

    Range Rover l322 4.2sc or RR Sport sc /4.4

    Hello Folks I need advice I'm looking to buy an l322 or RR Sport only petrol one. My focus is on the 4.2 sc and the jag 4.4 engine.in generally my concern is more on the l322 you read continously about more faults and bad experience made on the l322. Could someone give me here a good advice...
  4. J

    TD5 or V8

    Hello, I need a small advice from the experts.I intend to buy a Disco 2 and would like to buy the v8.I've done a test drive in the td5 I think that this engine is seriously to small for the heavy disco, but I know fuel economy may reliability is a big plus on the td5.May I'm old fashioned but...
  5. J

    Pickup 110 or 109

    goodness many thanks for the messages I just start to look for a 110 Hdtop as well and arrange a view for the weekend, could someone give me a tip where I could get the parts to convert to a pickup may craddock or paddock spares ?
  6. J

    Pickup 110 or 109

    exactly may there is another option to post something in sales and wanted ?:)
  7. J

    Pickup 110 or 109

    Hi many thanks for the info I know all this things it can get a hugh job especially when everything is gone chassis and drive train is worn as well but at the moment I cannot effort several k and I need one for the work. alternative may Japanese but I don't want one We will see may I get an...
  8. J

    Pickup 110 or 109

    Hi, unfortunately I can't open a thread by sales and wanted.I'm looking for a 110 or 109 pickup but now the difficult part as project for some reason my budget is very tight at the moment :( but as mechanic I can do the work self I know it isn't easy but may someone can give me a tip many...
  9. J

    Disco 2 guide

    Hi, after several years in using RR Classic and P38 Iam now interested in to buy an Disco 2 v8.But unfortunately Im unsure would it be a right decision.Im looking to get here maybe a final and right tipp to buy one. many thanks :scratching_chin:Jean
  10. J

    garage in Bournemouth or Poole

    Hi I need a tipp I'm looking for a garage in Bournemouth or Poole who can maintain my RR 93 from time to time for a teasonable charge fitt new bumper, oil change ,exhaust and possibly welding in front many thanks for the replies jean ingo
  11. J

    Hi need help looking for a Garage in Bournemouth or Poole who can maintain from time to...

    Hi need help looking for a Garage in Bournemouth or Poole who can maintain from time to time my 93 RR for reasonable charge fit new exhaust possibly welding in front many thanks for the replies jean ingo
  12. J

    engine disabled

    many thanks to all for direct and quick response. will try to sort out the issue today
  13. J

    engine disabled

    many thanks for the replies what happened reagarding the bonnet must everything closed when start with the eka code
  14. J

    engine disabled

    excuse fir the many queation its my first p38 regarding the eka cofr can i ring any main land rover dealer in my town
  15. J

    engine disabled

    many thanks can i do it with an open bonnet i use a booster at the moment or i need to recharge the battery in front the indicator apear also when i put the code in or only the 4th times turn left up in front jean
  16. J

    engine disabled

    now its getting difficult i don‘t have a logbook / owners manual when i bought the range i got only the v5 and a bit service history old mot‘s ....
  17. J

    engine disabled

    no ,the remote works properly before i think that the red light didn‘t work for a long time
  18. J

    engine disabled

    i don‘t have the eka code about the red light i didn‘t recognize this try again today in the evening jean
  19. J

    engine disabled

    oh excuse its a 4,6 hse from 1996 and iam from bournemouth many thanks jean
  20. J

    engine disabled

    need help iam sorry for the next entry about. an often fault on the p38 but there are so many information which makes me confused my battery gone flat and i change the fob battery too my message now engine disabled use remote what i have now exactly to do resync the fob? or press the...