1. T

    Dream Expedition land rover

    Not sure about the 130. It looks like it's prepped for some serious off-road work, but its ramp-over and departure angles won't be that great. I'd go for a 110. Nice to look at the pics to get tarting-up ideas though! Edit to add; sorry, this relates to the Nene Overland vehicles advertised...
  2. T

    West Coast of Scotland Winter exploration

    That's one I'd like to do as well. Probably not all of it. I'd pick it up at Oykel Bridge, not far from where we live. Bob Cartwright, at the Outdoors Station, did a series of audio podcasts on the trail, starting from Ullapool and heading to Cape Wrath. Worth a listen. The Outdoors Station...
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    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Got it MOT'd. And it passed! (1981 88-inch Series 3)
  4. T

    West Coast of Scotland Winter exploration

    Northern Highlands is my new home turf. Moved up in May last year. When I read of people doing Expeditions to this part of the world, I still can't believe I'm actually privileged to live here! Yours looks like a great trip. If you're planning a return, I recommend venturing further north...
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    Hampshire to Highlands In A Series 3

    Well, we just drove our Series 3 up to Northern Scotland from Hampshire, as part of our general move North. We've had him for a month or so (bought from someone on this forum). Just did some routing maintenance before setting off, then off we went. 605 miles in 2.5 days, camping along the...
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    Hello from Ross-shire

    Hello, I am in the process of moving to Ross-shire full time, having been living there part time for about three years. I have a 2006 Disco 3, my fourth Disco (previously had a Series 1 V8 and two Series 2 TD5's). I have also just acquired a 1981 Series III, which I am delighted with...