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    Happy Christmas

    All the best this cristmas and my all your wheels get a grip
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    Hi Creeeg I got the VCU and bearings from a guy who deals with Landrover old stock and sometimes gets freelander stuff. The thing is the old VCU is good:o so it was a bit of a waste of time changing it.Like I said it's the noise from the diff that's the worrying thing .Thanks for your replay...
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    :5bblush5: Oops! Sorry
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    Hi all had the Freelander for a while now I think it's a great car. Done a few things on it already but I seem to have a problem I hope you can help me with. Started to get a tight rubbing noise from the rear diff. Got a new VCU and fitted it hoping that would cure it checked the oil all OK...
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    front ball joint

    many thanks James will give it a try.
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    front ball joint

    Hi all just a quick one .can I change the front lower a arm on my Freelander without taking the drive shaft off ie get a good spanner on the ball joint:confused:. many thanks
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    Hi thanks guys I just saw this on flebay Part Number WCE104231 intermediate pipe Freelander diesel it seems to have a middle box. Ithink I might give it a go. regards Dave
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    Hi can anyone tell me if the centre exhaust box of an early freelander diesel will fit aTd4:confused:. the cat and back box are ok:). I can do the welding my self. thanks red55 ps my centre box is peeling apart:(
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    Hi from Worchester

    Like to say hi to all on the site. And to say I think the site is great for information. Just bought a Td4 a couple of weeks ago it has a few issues:o but think its a great car. I will be doing lots of work myself with the help from this site so get ready for a few questions:). regards red55
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    MPG-My TD4 Results.

    done a bit of a test on mine 264 miles from full tank filled up again it took 5.5 gallons = 48 mpg ? on A roads it's done over 100.000 Td4
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    to buy or not ?

    loving my Freelander td4:D it has a few issues but it's still a great car. fixed the drivers window (new cables ) not to bad a job . Have done a service the sump guard is a pain will work on a removable panel for it I think.
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    to buy or not ?

    Thank you all I have been away all this week .Have orded fillter kit so will replace them all and a oil change and go from there .will order a new clutch +slave and master cylinder. will do the work my self thank's again for your help. red55
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    to buy or not ?

    I don't know if it's one or two he had done? he just said that there was a noise from the prop and he had it done it came form a main dealer as a part exchange.
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    to buy or not ?

    Thank's for that Mad Hat Man. The props and vcu are in place it had a new bearing fitted a week ago on the prop.
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    to buy or not ?

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    to buy or not ?

    Hi all I am new to Freelander stuff and wanted some advice on buying one. I have been to look at one it's a 02 done 113000 miles seems to drive good but for one problem . The clutch pedal engages about 10mm from the floor . Is this an easy fix ? it's £2000 still got steel wheels and never towed...