1. F

    Defender Headlight woes

    Thanks for the info but - before I started I replaced the dip stalk and master switch - to rule them out.
  2. F

    Defender Headlight woes

    Hi Ginga, Thanks for the offer of help as the previous poster said" top bloke" I have found a link online which was useful. http://www.landroverweb.com/Pdf-files/Defender%20MY2002%20Wiring%20Diagram.pdf A brief summary of a whole day buggering about. There is no feed to the dip stalk, the...
  3. F

    Defender Headlight woes

    Hi Ginga Beard Thanks for your reply - I have had a look at rave link thanks but it seems I need a defender electrical trouble shooting manual - I have had a search for it but no luck................is this something thats available as a free download or is it something I need to buy ...
  4. F

    Defender Headlight woes

    Hi All, I have a Defender m/y 2000 The headlights have been playing up leaving me stranded on the way back from work on several occassions, which found me being quite inventive with the wiring to get me home! when the lights first went out, I initially found I had no power upto the master...