1. D

    Flat spot at 2500 rpm on Puma

    I've heard that this is an issue with many puma's though not mine, I have also heard that B.A.S that's Bell Auto Services have worked this issue into there upgrade and people are very happy with the results, no personal experience with the issue or B.A.S other than a chat with them at a show...
  2. D

    Puma - power failure. Any ideas??

    new to this forum so coming late to this party, I HAVE HAD THIS PROBLEM for me and I hope any one else, it was a cooling (well over heating problem) if the engine temp moves even a tinny bit above the half way point the engine looses all power but as soon as it starts to cool, and costing...
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    has anyone fitted a tdci 3.2 ps200 transit engine to threre puma

    I believe that some of the oil path ways (don't know there correct name) where changed on the puma engine from standard to enable the engine to work at the expected angles, Mark
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    Puma Engine Ticking Noise

    agree, when you stop hearing the 5-7 clacking noises you have a problem, though if you stop and start the engine a number of times the cleaning cycle will sort it out, did with mine Mark