1. D

    gear box: S+M lights and leaky transfer case

    Thanks for the advice - all sounds great. I had a problem with the EGR a while ago, which may link to all of this. It seemed to leak oil from around the rubber hosing at the front. By the time I realised it was happening oil had leaked all the way through the engine and there was a slow drip...
  2. D

    gear box: S+M lights and leaky transfer case

    Hi - I have just joined. I've had a Discovery II (2004) for a year and a half, bought in the UK, but now in Accra in Ghana. I also have a gorgeous 1953 Series, sadly not in Ghana, but safe in Devon. Anyway, I adore my Discovery, but it's not exactly been fault free (not a surprise a guess)...
  3. D

    New to Landyzone, needing help from Ghana

    Great - thanks. Will move post to Disco.
  4. D

    New to Landyzone, needing help from Ghana

    Hi - I have just joined. I've had a Discovery II (2004) for a year and a half, bought in the UK, but now in Accra in Ghana. I also have a gorgeous 1953 Series, sadly not in Ghana, but safe in Devon. Anyway, I adore my Discovery, but it's not exactly been fault free (not a surprise a guess)...