1. F

    Greetings from Spain!

    Hi folks, I've been checking this fab resource for a while, but thought I'd say hello to you all, so, erm....Hello! :high5: Mine's a Freelander 2.5 V6 ES. Happy motoring! Cheers, H
  2. F

    Do you regret buying a Freelander?

    Our auto box started to slip last summer and has been sat in our mechanic's garage ever since. Trying to locate an affordable replacement auto box for a 2.5 KV6 has proven impossible here in Spain. :( The electric sunroof is knackered, the o/s and n/s rear window regulators are gone and the...
  3. F

    What Freelander Have you Got Poll

    A 2002 Fl1 2.5V6 ES Cheers, H
  4. F

    Freelander 2.5 V6 auto box issues

    Hi all, Just joined and was wondering if anyone could advise on whether: a) A Rover 75 / MG ZT 2.5 V6 auto gearbox can fit directly onto a Freelander 2.5 KV6 engine? If so, what adjustments, if any, are necessary? b) A Rover 75 / MG ZT 2.5 V6 engine and auto gearbox can fit directly...