1. T

    Land Pirate - 'Looking for Direction'

    No money paid....and the story is as follows... I tried to buy this car from my friend Chris in early 2000. As he had inherited it from his father it was NOT for sale, and still used by him (In used but good condition) for odd jobs .he eventually brought it to the city for some tlc where he...
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    Land Pirate - 'Looking for Direction'

    so i gather you guys have seen worse then?
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    Land Pirate - 'Looking for Direction'

    I have no words....:(
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    Hi from Cape Town

    :welcome2: broe ...nice:D
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    Land Pirate - 'Looking for Direction'

    the old gal WILL be treated with the utmost of respect. just a nip and a tuck here and there and maybe even some botox but she will be looking GOOD again.:D:D:D
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    Land Pirate - 'Looking for Direction'

    Great ideas 'ben waine' thanks. i have decided to stick with the perkins engine, as it is a period mod and will take yuour advice and take my time in deciding which upgrades are realy needed.
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    Land Pirate - 'Looking for Direction'

    see what happens when you leave the house whitout a map.
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    From Land of Jakarta

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    New to LR & forum

    :welcome:...and frustration is a free after market accessory common to all lrs i hear.:D:D
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    Land Pirate - 'Looking for Direction'

    :D New to the forum and loving it :D. just jumped from "Introduce Yourself -Two to Four again" and am hopeing to get some ideas of what to do with my s2. No pictures yet im afraid, as I will be bringing her down shortly from her 12 year resting place. I realy do not know what to expect. all i...
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    Two to Four..Again

    Thanks for the welcome. will have pics as soon as i trailer the s2 down from her 12 year resting place. What am i getting myself into?
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    Two to Four..Again

    Also running a BSA-M20, and a T100P triumph. letting the T100P go though -reluctantly. Keeping the Beezas, as am planning to to trailer the M20 around with the s2 sort of a 'military theme package' look. Any suggestions:confused:
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    Two to Four..Again

    Thank you for the welcome. I am already starting to feel at home. Good to be around like minded enthusiasts :)
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    Two to Four..Again

    oh no... don't get me wrong... she will just be put to the back of the shed under covers until i will finally have time for her again. I have started however thining out the collection, not an easy process believe me, but i have gained a series2 .
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    Two to Four..Again

    Greetings from a warmer part of the world, My main hobby for as long as I can remember have been classic motorcycles. I have been lucky enough to have owned and restored a varied mix of british. however, as many married with children members know, classic bikes or any bikes for that matter, do...