1. LRNuts

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Tried again to start the 2.5 td, not having any of it, still it doesnt get dark for a while so theres still time :)
  2. LRNuts

    Greetings from snowy Northamptonshire

    Thanks for all the welcomes peeps, -12 out there and I'm planning on pulling the old French junk out from under my bonnet and sticking the 2.5 TD in there, must be mad :)
  3. LRNuts

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Cheers BIG_GINGA_BEARD as you say, not quite what I was looking for but very interesting reading all the same, thanks :)
  4. LRNuts

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Does yesterday count? Went to pick up the new engine today, well saying new £80 2.5 Turbo with 78k on it theoretically. Now all I got to do is remove the French junk from under the bonnet and shoe horn it in, grinder and welder at the ready. If anybody has any tips or know of any posts...
  5. LRNuts

    Greetings from snowy Northamptonshire

    Hellooo fellow Landy Nuts :) Just thought i'd say a quick hello from snowy Northants.