1. maisyboo

    Vintage Road Tax.

    Hi Chris, you will probably need a cert from the Garda - I did when I had new chassis and mine is vintage not classic; they are cracking down on stuff now. The Garda will inspect all VIN stamps/plates etc against vehicle history to see if they match the vehicle correctly, the tax office require...
  2. maisyboo

    Defender 110 *SOLD* 300 TDI *SOLD*

    West Cork, between Macroom and Bantry
  3. maisyboo

    Defender 110 *SOLD* 300 TDI *SOLD*

    Thanks for that, she will be sadly missed; she's one of the better one's. Hope she gets a good home. :)
  4. maisyboo

    Defender 110 *SOLD* 300 TDI *SOLD*

  5. maisyboo

    The Best ever Land Rover Review

    Probably cos they're yanks......:D
  6. maisyboo

    The Best ever Land Rover Review

    Ya have to laugh....:rolleyes: Bit puzzled by water pouring in - never had that from behind instrument panel only from joins which I plug with Dum Dum - something they ain't heard of in Ireland......or Graphite powder; well not in West Cork. Sun reflections - no problem over here; just need...
  7. maisyboo

    The Best ever Land Rover Review

    Something seriously wrong with that Defender or more likely the driver if their driver couldn't go faster than that on pull off; they are both arse-holes. More like a destruction video as opposed to a why it costs so much - ****ers
  8. maisyboo

    The Best ever Land Rover Review

    In fairness he did say the gears are like stirring a pudding.......mine changes smoothly just a lot of play between gears
  9. maisyboo

    Rear door lock barrel

    Think I know the answer but do you have to take the whole lock off to change the rear door lock barrel 1994 110 - or can you access it with a screw driver like the front doors?
  10. maisyboo

    The Best ever Land Rover Review

    You You wouldn't hear it in mine, no soundproofing at all.:)
  11. maisyboo

    The Best ever Land Rover Review

    No but he echos how I feel......there's just 'something' about landies that reel ya in and I love his descriptions - gear-stick like stirring a pudding:D
  12. maisyboo

    The Best ever Land Rover Review

    What do ya reckon?
  13. maisyboo

    Irish rovers?

    Hello from truly stunning West Cork - there's a guy at Caheragh - David - who specialises in Defender's. Don Donovan recommended him to me as he is now focusing on newer models. I have a 94 300tdi 110 - needs work on the clutch. Chatted on the phone and he is 'sound'; will let you know how...
  14. maisyboo

    How to lower you insurance premium

    How to lower your car insurance/ Don't move to Ireland.........SD&P is €1080 tax, and insurance - if you can find anyone who will take a landy on private and not commercial starts at €860 third party.:mad: Garda cracking down on commercial vehicles being used privately. You're well in if the...
  15. maisyboo

    Back again with 110

    Door barrels need changing; clutch slave cylinder needs replacing; possibly wiper motor as it has a bloody awful click and wipers new apart from that checked out fine.
  16. maisyboo

    Back again with 110

  17. maisyboo

    Back again with 110

    Some pics........galvanised chassis but needs some work in other areas
  18. maisyboo

    Back again with 110

    Hi; haven't been on here for awhile as life got in the way - now back again and no more Freelander but a 1994 Defender 110. Never driven a 110 before - always had 90 wheelbase but boy! they are so much more comfortable on these bumpy Irish roads and don't have nearly as much roll; wish I'd got...
  19. maisyboo

    Across the water

    Thanks mate - much appreciated :)