1. N

    Personal Opinions

    I'm after a budget disco and obviously it being a budget motor I'm not expecting anything amazing, however this one that has just come up on ebay and I wanted to know how much work and money do you think it'll need to pass an MOT? Thought the wealth of knowledge on here would be able to help...
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    Discovery Sill Replacement

    sorry to revive a 10 month old thread but only just read this and was hoping that someone could stop me being such a noob. I don't own a disco yet so haven't looked at sills, I have no background of fabricating or welding so a complete novice (father in law does it all, maintains 2ltr stock...
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    PDR or Panel Beater

    Hi All, really wanting to join the community with you all. I'm trying to part ex my Audi for a Disco but it's got some dents on it. So I was wondering if anyone knew of anyone who can do decent dent removal in the Horsham/West Sussex area? if this is in the wrong section please could a mod move...
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    Disco buyers guide

    brilliant and helpful answers. Been looking at purchasing a disco 1 as the a4 is getting a little cramped with the wife, the twins and the dogs. I looked at one at the weekend and noticed lots of welding already in place (arches, boot floor, etc) is this a good thing to find or would it be...