1. M

    back windows and rust :(

    hi everyone :-) have got a disco1 300tdi and on the top small curved back window around the rubber I have found on both sides rust ... and holes. well I know that it leaks in there and it will need to be cleaned up, removing the rust filling it and then a drop or more of paint to cover it...
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    water leak ...

    well i guess we "found the leak" it has started to every so little to smoke white out of the exhaust. So its head gasket job and service at the same time :-) Guess its one of those things ... and the engine has only done 60k max. also we like getting our hand dirty don't we ... but thanks for...
  3. M

    water leak ...

    guys a general question ... how long does it take to take the dash out approx. I seem to have a leak somewhere and nothing visible within the engine bay. the AA guy did a pressure check(ok), the cap(ok), also the temp gauge is not rising beyond normal setting, heating is also functioning...
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    a little prob ... diff light on on dashboard

    the rolling back worked a treat :-) many thanks guys ... as usual this site rocks ! martin
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    a little prob ... diff light on on dashboard

    hello Everyone, hope everyone is ready for Friday night :-) anyhow ... a little prob ... arose as I decided to put the diff into nutural while parked. now after many attempts the little light on the dask board does not go out and I am not certain the diff locks in right. After I got it in...
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    D1 300TDI XS 97 - what does replacement ABS cost?

    well second go .... lost the first thread well Ideal world you turn the ignition key car starts good to go ... the (ABS) light goes off and you never think twice about it. well my (ABS) goes of and at random intervals comes back on and stays on. Done the things I believed to be right: -...
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    break pads wear

  8. M

    break pads wear

    hello folks ... in an ideal world ... break pads would wear evenly thats at least what I would hope to believe. anyhow changed break pads front and back, back ones first ... they looked fine ... even wear could have kept them for a while, but I thought do it as its all of and I have the...
  9. M

    aluminum caps

    still nothing broken :-) ... but how much do I crank the wheel nuts on with torque wrench ?
  10. M

    aluminum caps

    thanks everyone ... at least I havent broken anything :-)
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    aluminum caps

    hey everyone, this is been doing my head in ... on the wheels nuts I have some sort of aluminum caps. seems to be some sort of sprint within them, twist turn pull doesnt get them off. how the heck do they come off (yes first time I need to get the wheels off) martin
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    Waxoyl ?

    thanks Vivnap for piccies and advice. Waxoyl was only the lazy way to delay until I get the time to do a propper job. I agree if I do it once its done and no more worries for a long while. Where did you get the arch panels from ?
  13. M

    Waxoyl ?

    hello every one :-) my disco has a few little bits of rust on top of the back wheel arches. Visible when opening back door. I have cleaned it all up years back and it now is back. had been advise last year and this year about the known whole around the seat belt area,easy to fix for the MOT...
  14. M

    fuel tank on disco

    hi folks, has anyone ever considered or has fitted a larger diesel tank on Disco 1 300tdi a while back I came across a website (need to find it again) and they offered larger +30l tanks and no it not an additional that get fitted under some wing like on the defenders its to replace the...
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    Sorry Exhaust Post Agin!

    all straight forward really did mine last Saturday without any probs ... well the anglegrinder did the hard bit for me. check the screws they give you with the exhaust are long enough ;-) mine needed longer ones which I had around. didnt need any paste of kind ... althought there is a copper...
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    hi folks, presume this has gone through here before ... in need of a microcat copy for a disco 1 300TDI :-) ttfn martin
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    cruise control

    whats up with it ?
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    great my 245s will be a wee bit smaller and fit :-)
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    well PM on its way ... see wat we sort :)
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    yer just round the corner :-) btw wots the width of em ... ar not for wee tires i hope ... are not the red ones http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/images/icons/icon10.gif