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    blue smoke at 30mph

    :just an update I did an 150 mile round trip yesterday car ran great did not use a teaspoon of oil. the only thing I missed was not having that extra bit of Humph you get from the synergy2 so I am going to leave things as they are until after Easter then I am going to gradually refit the...
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    you have lost me, I have read your post twice and had to go get some paracetamol :speakenglish: I knew as soon as you got technical I would;d be lost going to do a 150 mile round trip tomorrow so i will see how it runs:D
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    ye nickcc was your smoke blue or black? going to leave the egr valve on for a while then going to refit the synergy2 if you take the manifold off do you need any new seals or gaskets to replace it?
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    today I have taken the synergy2 and pierburgh maf off completely. refitted the bosch maf, took the egr bypass off and put the egr valve back on. I then took car for a run and guess what? NO BLUE SMOKE.:) so i refitted the egr bypass took the car for a run and hey presto BLUE SMOKE...
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    thanks Singvogel at least when i have tried it it will be something eliminated but I have a gut feeling it will still be the same. thanks for the flat hose bit cos it sounded like it was going to be costly for part and labour. when I start to take things off tomorrow I will have a look for the...
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    Hi mjrimmer I think I know what your saying but i thought if do what he has said then he can,t say that i have not done what he suggested
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    update I have just got car back from garage and the mechanic seems to think it could be the synergy2 whats causing the blue smoke. he has told me to first re-fit the egr and if this makes no difference to take the synergy off altogether. if i do this will i have to fit the old bosch maf back...
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    thanks for that Singvogel
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    I have turned the synergy off and left the maf on but results are still the same. Is turning the synergy off the the same as disconnecting it as i don't want to take it off, if just flicking a switch has the the same effect. car is going into garage tomorrow so i will post what...
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    oil level is ok. I fitted a standard LD filter I spoke to a mechanic who works on heavy plant and seems to think it could be over fueling even though its blue smoke. can the synergy be turned off with the pierburgh maf fitted?. thanks for your replies:D
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    blue smoke at 30mph

    hi can anyone explain what could be at fault, just been on motorway and car runs great no smoke at all had full service. got synergy2 fitted. but as soon as i get into a 30 zone hardly touching the peddle i start to get a lot of blue smoke from the exhaust. it is going in to garage next week...
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    fitted new intercooler hoses yesterday wasted 50 quid still loads of black smoke coming out of exhaust. going to take the synergy 2+ off completely and refit the egr valve next couple of days to see if it makes any difference i have been advised to buy a pierburgh maf.But all this advice is...
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    thanks for replies car has done 80000 miles I will change the hoses and if there is no difference i will fit the pierburgh and let you know how i get on thanks
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    HI all i spoke to soon when i said car was running OK. up to now fitted the synergy2+ had a service cleaned the pcv fitted egr bypass, when i first start the car cold i get a bit of blue smoke this clears then when engine is warmed up i sometimes get a lot of blue smoke and sometimes i get a lot...
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    it must be yorkshire slang for a fat hose:speakenglish:
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    sorry Singvogel the mechanic said a bottom bagging (hose) had become disconnected he also said that it was very soft and that deposits collect there and that's what makes them rot and split. would you recommend fitting the silicone ones or fitting the normal rubber ones back on?
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    just got car back from service A bgging had come of that what was causing black smoke. 0to 60 now in ten mins:5bhurray:
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    thanks for your reply angeloc i was going to put a post on today, as a few days ago there was some blue smoke coming out of the exhaust that stopped after a day and now when i put the pedal down there seems to be a flat spot and i get a lot of black smoke coming out. it has gone in to the garage...
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    egr valve

    HI Singvogel i thought there would be some other reason, i dont understand it but i will take your word for it makes me feel better about my £30 now:) not heard the dying duck yet,but i have a gander down my allotment that keeps taking chunks out of my leg:D
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    egr valve

    as a past plumbing and heating fitter i have used tons of silicone in far hotter situations.I have stuck basins back with it that would pull the wall down before it would come of first. there is some silicone called dunbrick that is specifically for very hot flues that would have done the job...