1. 25.Eng.REME

    Extended Spring Shackles

    Thanks for your help, i understand now.
  2. 25.Eng.REME

    What can i expect from a 2.25 petrol engine?

    That's what i'm doing now. Craddocks is a great website and i will of course, listen to those who know - i will leave the Webber and use a recon / new zenith carb. To keep the vehicle as it is is actually the way i prefer to work as it's already designed and fitted, just needs recondition...
  3. 25.Eng.REME

    Extended Spring Shackles

    I have seen these and want to know if using these will cause any problems? If the ride hieght is increased, will that mean longer shock absorbers etc? Is it recommended the FFR use these and do they have them on anyway? Is there any other parts that will need to be specific for this? Sorry...
  4. 25.Eng.REME

    chrome balls

    Thanks Teflon. I really only asked to learn what and how, so now i've found the relevant section in the manual, i'm learning a lot. Thanks
  5. 25.Eng.REME

    chrome balls

    Is it the 'Swivel Housing'? Am i there yet? I have a diagram of the front axle and steering / hub assembly. Iis it the inner, ball shaped thing with a pin through it?
  6. 25.Eng.REME

    chrome balls

    Yes, i have a PDF version i was e-mailed. Is it ball joints? I'm not trying to sound thick, even though it probably does. Sorry.
  7. 25.Eng.REME

    chrome balls

    This time you have me at a loss. What am i trying to fool anyone with? No confrontation meant here, i'm being honest i am just asking to learn. I have to take this thing apart and make something like a reasonable job of putting it back together again. It was just a question, that's all. Phil
  8. 25.Eng.REME

    chrome balls

    Would someone please tell me what chrome balls are? I can imagine they might be steering or something but i confess i do not know for sure. Is it ball bearings?
  9. 25.Eng.REME

    What can i expect from a 2.25 petrol engine?

    Thanks, I'm not a serving soldier, i'm the child of one and grew up alongside the REME. I do know of a few places where i might get parts though and your idea is still valid so thanks for suggesting it. It's interesting to know the S II was only phased out just not long ago. I will post here...
  10. 25.Eng.REME

    What can i expect from a 2.25 petrol engine?

    Teflon, That's exactly the kind of helpful advice i need as a beginner with Land Rovers. Thanks for taking the time to type so much. Phil.
  11. 25.Eng.REME

    workshop service manual.I/II/III

    I have sent a PM with my details and would be most grateful for a copy. thanks loads, Phil.
  12. 25.Eng.REME

    What can i expect from a 2.25 petrol engine?

    Thanks very much for the offer but i'm sticking with what i have. I'm really happy about keeping it original but if i hear of someone who can use an engine such as yours, i will put them in touch with you. Thanks again.
  13. 25.Eng.REME

    What can i expect from a 2.25 petrol engine?

    Thanks for that, As i said, i'm happy about the engine being good enough to keep. The webber carb is something i would like to try, the springs i thank you for the link, i will use them. THe winch, well you answer does not suprise me and i do want the biggest i can get so i will try to price...
  14. 25.Eng.REME

    What can i expect from a 2.25 petrol engine?

    That's what i was hoping. I didn't want to change it. Is there any chance a 'Weber Carb' is any good? There is one on ebay for £75. Slob, thanks for the advice, can i ask a few more questions of you, or anyone else that might know? Mine has the exhaust under the front bumper. I like it...
  15. 25.Eng.REME

    What can i expect from a 2.25 petrol engine?

    Hello, I'm trying to work out what engine to use. It's a 1970, 2a 109 2 door hard top and it's going to be a works vehicle, picking up reasonably heavy loads and occasional towing, almost entirely on tarmac. If the 2.25 petrol isn't up to this, what engine can i / should i use and what...
  16. 25.Eng.REME

    Pleased to have found you all.

    That#s the one's who my price is from. They do look good. Slob, i will look at paddock too, thanks. If Richards chassis' are that good, the price is ok and i don't mind spending to save headaches, instead of saving 300 quid to find loads and loads of hassle with refitting. Thanks for help and...
  17. 25.Eng.REME

    Pleased to have found you all.

    Thanks for the link, i'll check it out tonight when i'm home. Just got a price on a new chassis - £1240+VAT+Delivery. Hopefully selling some FFR bits will offset even a small part of that cost but it's still worth the lack of hassle rebuilding. Thanks anyway, Phil
  18. 25.Eng.REME

    Pleased to have found you all.

    The posts i read suggest it's a good place to be so i'm looking forward to reading and learning as much as i can. Cheers mate ! Phil.
  19. 25.Eng.REME

    Pleased to have found you all.

    Thanks Marcus. I think it's the same with a lot of the cars i work on, takes at least half a mechanic just to own one. I will look up the military lot for those parts sale, thanks. The Stable belt design on a blue vehicle is my favourite and most likely to be the colours i finish with. Like i...
  20. 25.Eng.REME

    Pleased to have found you all.

    Thanks for such a welcome. I should explain; My Father, Lance Corporal Phillip Michael Johnston was a REME Soldier from 1964-1974 and attached to, among others, 25 Engineering Regiment. Me and him took this Land Rover on in 1991 and were beaten back by my lack of tools and my Dad's intimate...