1. C

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    Have a good day you lot. Should be reasonably dry on the plains. I'm sure WLM can find a few deep puddles!
  2. C

    Adrian Flux should wear a highwayman mask

    :D I despise insurance company's. Any excuse to wriggle out of a claim, and they are on it! It is however, far easier to work with them, than against them. I've dealt with AF for a number of years, and find them to be a professional company. I'm pretty sure they would not come on a forum and...
  3. C

    Adrian Flux should wear a highwayman mask

    He forwarded no claims, that were still being used on another vehicle, therefore, couldn't be used.
  4. C

    Adrian Flux should wear a highwayman mask

    Neither would i. So when they ask for paperwork to be forwarded, i do it the same day, without fail, even though they allow you 30 days! Its easy, if you follow terms and conditions.
  5. C

    Adrian Flux should wear a highwayman mask

    I think he's doing just fine.
  6. C

    Adrian Flux should wear a highwayman mask

    He's merely sticking up for his company, who are getting a slating, through no error of theirs.
  7. C

    Adrian Flux should wear a highwayman mask

    The Flux guy hasn't put any "personal" details on here.
  8. C

    Adrian Flux should wear a highwayman mask

    I've been with Adrian Flux for years. Car, van, Bike and house insurance. Can't fault them at all. Lets remember, the OP failed to provide Adrian Flux with his no claims entitlement, within the time scale given. Hardly Adrian Flux's fault the problems arose! Flux.....you can keep most...
  9. C

    Wheel arch cutting

    Alright, alright, so you have an extra 2".........its not all about size you know :p
  10. C

    Wheel arch cutting

    That's what's on mine.
  11. C

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    The landrangers told me!
  12. C

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    Apologies for the thread hijack. As you were.......................
  13. C

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    I'm well aware what goes on on the Plains. My argument is where the signs, and everything else made of metal disappears to, and its not down to the squaddies.
  14. C

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    I know exactly what you mean Landyman, see it all around the place. But they certainly don't plough through road signs.
  15. C

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    That land warden is talking out of his arse then. The army have to follow a stricter regime than you and i do when on the plain (health and safety bollocks). Wiltshire has more than its fair share of pikeys, and they prowel the plains every night.
  16. C

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    Have you seen the price of scrap metal? Have you seen the quantity of signs in question? Believe me, its the pikeys.
  17. C

    Newbie, whats best ????

    Get a new wife........:D
  18. C

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    There's a lot of new signage been erected on the plains over the last couple of months, so you shouldn't need to do too much planning about where you are going once up there. There is so much off piste activity on Salisbury Plain, so the MOD have put a multitude of new byway signs up. There's...
  19. C

    Wheel arch cutting

    Nice pictures Vince...... My arches are 50mm, but the mud flicks up from the tyre edge, where they don't quite cover. Depending on tyre width, you might do well to get 75mm. I got mine from M&M Defender - Range Rover - Discovery - 2 ABS Plastic Wheel Arch Extensions