1. GetRid

    Discovered Black Gold????

    Well you were right, thanks. :) Oil cooler was replaced and the gaskett and engine has been checked and seems ok. However, how ever long I leave the beast to cool off, like overnight the coolant still spues out all over the place, so checking the level seems impossible at the moment...
  2. GetRid

    Discovered Black Gold????

    Hello Wise ones, Got a L322 TDV6 2002 range rover 120,000 miles, Got a a "check coolant" message. 3 hours later, with cold engine I carefully unscrewed the coolant cap. Under lots of pressure black crude oil type ****e decided to spew out of the reservoir!!! Not impressed. No engine...
  3. GetRid

    Who's got the best Range Rover Classic...and why?

    I kid myself that mine is the best, when it works!!! Been great since the new alternator, goes Like stink, driving with confidence etc...... Transmission cooler has bust today so the Range Rover Classic 1994 has been demoted to "bag of ****e" status again!!! Until its fixed again...
  4. GetRid

    RRC 1994: Just when i thought it was safe..... Seat/Mirror mystery

    Well 5 different people use the truck and guess what, we are all different shapes and sizes hence moving the seat! Happy Crimbo Dopey
  5. GetRid

    RRC 1994: Just when i thought it was safe..... Seat/Mirror mystery

    Festive Miracle!!!! The seat is working today! What is this tub of bolts doing to me????????????
  6. GetRid

    RRC 1994: Just when i thought it was safe..... Seat/Mirror mystery

    Happy Crimbo: Today my fixed Classic was excellent. I then adjusted the drivers seat using the side controls. Then the driver's mirror moved?? After I stopped ****ing myself laughing at this comedy modification, I realised I can no longer move the seat (not even witht the dash mirror...
  7. GetRid

    Strange poltergeist electrical problems??

    Re: Strange poltergeist electrical problems?? CURED!!!!! Cut up and re-soldered main Brown wire. then Stuck a new Alternator in it!!! 3 weeks of scary unstable driving cured by a decent mechanic. So previous garage will not be getting my hard earned again! It works for now, Thanks for all...
  8. GetRid

    Strange poltergeist electrical problems??

    :frusty: Took the leads off the Alternator cleaned & replaced - no probs there Took the Fuse box to bits - no probs there Took the ground lead off the battery cleaned checked - no probs there Tried differnet ground locations from battery too - no probs there Took it to an even tamer mechanic -...
  9. GetRid

    Strange poltergeist electrical problems??

    A village elder took one look at the photos and cursed quite loudly about the f";king p1ss poor crimp, as it's nearly 2am I will continue this when I is less ****ssssed cheers gurus!
  10. GetRid

    Strange poltergeist electrical problems??

    Here goes: not bad pictures considering it's pitch black out there! The top wire thick red is Hot, looks singed Hope these are helpful
  11. GetRid

    Strange poltergeist electrical problems??

    Right, without going into total Tourette's I have had another attempt at locating my intermitent electrical ****tyness. All wires to The alternator are solid except the top one is frigging hot. Am I right in assuming this ain't right? Any thoughts again oh wise ones...... Cheers
  12. GetRid

    Strange poltergeist electrical problems??

    Today it did not rain but after 10mins driving the electric poltergiest was back. I have checked as much conections as i can but still something is angering the electric gods!! I discovered that both head lights were dim then a bit of a hit and a wiggle they went bright again. Could rotten...
  13. GetRid

    Strange poltergeist electrical problems??

    Cheers, I will check all of the above in between rain showers. Thanks
  14. GetRid

    Strange poltergeist electrical problems??

    Hello all, hope your genius can help me. My 1994 3.9 Vogue SE is having fits with electrics. Battery warning light flashing, rev needle doing crazy sh1t everywhere and sometimes it just conks out! I have had a tame mechanic check voltage here, there and everywhere, checked the ground cables...
  15. GetRid

    Range Rover 1994 3.9 or Bitch!!

    Cheers peeps. I will let the moaning, whinging and crying about my truck commence!! :)
  16. GetRid

    Range Rover 1994 3.9 or Bitch!!

    Hello! It's only taken 2 years of expensive ownership before finding you lot! I have a 1994 Range Rover Vogue SE 3.9. Its great, when functioning correctly!! But mostly a costly bitch! Friends and colleagues seem to call it the "Range Pig" and say "get rid" a lot, hence the name!! However...