1. twinter82

    Bumper "A" Bar. Yes or No?

  2. twinter82

    Bumper "A" Bar. Yes or No?

    No. I like functional a-bars a-la camel trophy. But that looks f***ing awful.
  3. twinter82

    00KK53 - My Soft Top 12v GS TUL 90. So a soft top 90 then......

    Good job! Looks good. I thought yours is a GS rather than FFR though? Or have you added the ariel mounts yourself?
  4. twinter82


    +1 I hate having a different key for each lock and the ignition!
  5. twinter82

    00KK53 - My Soft Top 12v GS TUL 90. So a soft top 90 then......

    Good to know, set of standard springs arrived last week and I would have fitted them by now if my trolley jack hadn't died! Have you noticed much more body roll in cornering at all?
  6. twinter82

    lets see your GREEN defenders!

    If I'm not allowed my NATO green, then this bronze green definitely gets my vote!!
  7. twinter82

    How much is my landrover worth?

    If you want a market value, check the market... what are similar spec ex-mod landys going for on flea bay?
  8. twinter82

    I would just like to say

    That is a fantastic idea, and may well be the solution I need ;)
  9. twinter82

    78KF38 ex-mod 90 FFR

    Finally arrived today! A lot heavier than I was expecting too. Fitting involved removing the fuse box and cover, also the hand throttle (mines an FFR so has a hand throttle where the choke would be on a petrol version). Bulkhead piece and floor were a good fit, seat box piece was frankly a pig...
  10. twinter82

    78KF38 ex-mod 90 FFR

    So is this the MOD using up their spares bin, or Solihull?!
  11. twinter82

    78KF38 ex-mod 90 FFR

    Today my new springs arrived, looking forward to seeing what difference they make. I was also expecting the rubber matting to arrive from John Craddock today. I ordered last weekend and called last Monday for an eta and was told they would get a delivery from exmoor yesterday, so to call today...
  12. twinter82

    38KF96 Huddy’s Ex-Military 110

    Nice looking landy! Mine manages 12.5v at the moment, so I was thinking about replacing it, and interested in what you did to refurb yours. Did the elements that you replaced fail a test, or is it just standard practice to replace those parts when refurbishing?
  13. twinter82

    78KF38 ex-mod 90 FFR

    Must admit nobber, that does look good with the gloss paint and stainless fixings. Is yours ex-mod too? The door looks military but the dash looks civvy spec?
  14. twinter82

    How do I get better Light??

    I meant indicators and sidelights ;) mines ex-mod so unscrew from front and am assuming yours are the same?
  15. twinter82

    78KF38 ex-mod 90 FFR

    Tell me about it... I had a little cry of panic when reaching for the credit card - then remembered why I went for paperless statements and told the wife I'd cancelled the account ;)
  16. twinter82

    78KF38 ex-mod 90 FFR

    Thanks! The beast looks good too. Was very tempted by that style steering guard too. Is it effective? The vent on the side is from a land rover wolf, the cover over the heater is a military snow cowl - both obtained through fleabay. The Wolf ones don't come up that often though unfortunately.
  17. twinter82

    How do I get better Light??

    I bet you pray daily that a bulb doesn't go ;)
  18. twinter82

    Bodywork repair.

    I've still got those in my 90 following her recent purchase! (the tratter, not the wife). Still not quite sure i'm out of the woods yet. No unfortunate reference intended.
  19. twinter82

    Bodywork repair.

    Perhaps just keep the cheap port as back up in case she notices?!
  20. twinter82

    78KF38 ex-mod 90 FFR

    I went for these from exmoor trim: Matting : LT77 Moulded Matting System £330.00+vat Hope it does the job for the price!!