1. M

    Where to get a pickup cover?

    Hi, Thought this would be easy to get but so far no luck. I was wanting a tarp or cover over the rear pickup of my SWB S3 to stop it filling up with snow in the winter. Any company's you could recommend? Thanks :)
  2. M

    Advice on my engine

    It's a 2.25, no idea on the history of the car but the engine looks suspiciously clean and it's red so I doubt it's the original. Thanks, I did not notice a mark for the oil level in the filter but the inner tube was about an inch under the surface when opened it. As for the valves, I...
  3. M

    Advice on my engine

    Hi, Recently got another Landy after a long time without one. It's a 2.5 petrol series 3 and there's a couple of points that are bugging me. 1) There is a tappet at I can hear chattering away, not always the same loudness and I tried adjusting them but not effect. One of the rockers...