1. P

    Defender prices when new?

    Hello everyone, I'm building up a 1996 110 CSW for a trip to Ghana this winter. I'm negotiating with various customs folks about depreciation and the present value. I am trying to find out what the vehicle cost new back in 1996. I rang up the main dealers and got much headshaking and muttering...
  2. P

    Hello My name is Pat McCormack. Iḿ starting a build of a 6x6 landie based safari wagon that Iḿ...

    Hello My name is Pat McCormack. Iḿ starting a build of a 6x6 landie based safari wagon that Iḿ bringing back to South Africa with me. Itś for my retirement scam (sorry scheme) of doing safaris -- which I used to do twenty years ago and wish I hadnt stopped! Anyways I want to use a 6bt cummins...