1. P

    Window switch problem - no the usual

    I only turn to the owners manual when things go really wrong! Lol Fortunately I don't have a sunroof. I was scared off by a good friend with a disco, when I see him putting buckets inside his car whenever it rained!
  2. P

    Window switch problem - no the usual

    Ok. Well I may be able to get it working and try your theory. I reckon it'll be a duff switch pack again but I don't wanna send it back to the breakers if it was the outstation etc. thanks for the heads up. I never knew about the lazy locking.
  3. P

    This may be a weird one or a common fault

    Can I ask why it could cause the motor to burnout? Only because mine is disconnected but I cannot see how the two are connected. Other the obvious.
  4. P

    Window switch problem - no the usual

    Would the window need to be set for that to work? Only because in my desperation to fix it, I disconnected the battery today and because its not working, I haven't been able to set it. Perhaps if the land rover angels work their magic tonight, it may start working again tomorrow so I can try that.
  5. P

    2.5 DT Diesel Pump Top Removal

    I had both top and the seal below leak on mine and replaced both. You may need to remove the inlet manifold, so may be worth buying the gasket/seals for that, just in case. I went to a local Bosch diesel center in Colchester and got a full set of genuine seals (although only needed the two) for...
  6. P

    Window switch problem - no the usual

    Hi all, After a successful christmas wiring in my front seats at long last, the ranges decided it would throw yet another spanner into the works, so to speak. My windows packed up completely and after searching the forums, I replaced the switch panel for one from a breaker. It fixed the...
  7. P

    Headlining Replacement

    They also do a one piece item for £240 but I think i'm going to attempt the DIY method first.
  8. P

    Auto Box Leak

    Thanks to all those who replied. It turned out that I had a hair line crack in the dipstick tube about an inch away from the connection to the sump. I couldn't see or feel it was there until I removed the thing. Good old eBay & £12 later on and she's working again ;)
  9. P

    Auto Box Leak

    Ok thanks. I'll have a go at removing it tomorrow should the time and weather permit. I knew I had cursed myself as I was only saying this weekend how 'leak free' she had been!!
  10. P

    Auto Box Leak

    I briefly looked over all the parts including the oil cooler pipes but everything looked bone dry except around the area around the joint between sump and dipstick. I would take it off to look more closely but I am not in a suitable situation to drain and then replace all the ATF just yet.
  11. P

    Auto Box Leak

    Hello. I left the RR standing whilst I was away for the weekend and came back to discover some ATF on the road. Its hard to say how much has leaked but enough to cover 1/2m2. It appears to be dripping off the autobox dip stick tube. I replaced the autobox filter, o rings and gasket about 5...
  12. P

    Rear Windows Off - Appears on LCD screen

    Hello. Since the weekend my P38 has started to pop up with 'Rear Windows Off' on the dash board LCD screen. All my windows work, so I'm unsure what this fault code is meant to be informing me of. Has anyone had this appear to them before. It reappears every time I restart the car, but then...
  13. P

    How long should glow plugs be on for?

    Thanks Jerry, I'll give that a go sometime tomorrow. The advantage of my scope is that it has an inbuilt trend plotter so I can set it up to record and time the voltage, so don't require the wife! lol
  14. P

    How long should glow plugs be on for?

    I'll have to hook up my scope to my glowplugs to see if they do stay energized after the light has gone off. If they do, then it's just me starting the engine too early!
  15. P

    How long should glow plugs be on for?

    Thanks Datatek. I certainly have never seen my light stay on for anything over 5 seconds regardless whether it's -2 or 20 degrees outside. I'll have a look into it and see what I can find out. Both my external temperature and engine temp sensors both seem to function correctly but it's a...
  16. P

    How long should glow plugs be on for?

    Hello All, Just a quick one. I fitted new glow plugs two weeks ago (delphi ones so not cheapos) as I had issues starting from cold. She know fires up but a bit lumpy for a few seconds, then runs fine. If I turn the ignition on and let the light go and and repeat again before starting then she...
  17. P

    P38 FIP Leak - Please Help!

    Sorry for the late reply. I managed to do both gaskets in situ easily. You have to remove the inlet manifold to gain better access to the pump but there is no need to remove the FIP. There is a security bolt to undo which you can buy the correct socket on ebay or (like me) you can find the...
  18. P

    P38 FIP Leak - Please Help!

    Thanks all. I have just replaced the top and middle seals successfully and the leak appears to have stopped. I ended up using a paint marker and surrounding the washers with the yellow paint so I could clearly see when they were back in the correct locations as well as scribing the metal...
  19. P

    P38 FIP Leak - Please Help!

    Cheers guys. I've found a local bosch diesel specialist so i'm going to swing by them tomorrow (if they're open) and see what they say. Reading up on here, I may attempt to replace the seal between the top part and the main body of the pump as many have said this has failed on them. I have read...
  20. P

    P38 FIP Leak - Please Help!

    How easy was it to do yourself? I have access to a decent workshop with most generic tools but no specific land rover special tools but would most certainly prefer to replace one myself if possible (but i'm still hoping I won't need too). How hard was it to do in comparison to other jobs...