1. M

    Electrical problem

    Thanks MrGrumpy, I'll certainly look at the locking, as that has shown a fault now! When I lock the car, the indicators flash 3 times, as they should. When I unlock it, they should flash once. They don't. They don't flash at all on unlocking. Also, many thanks to you Mundungus. I will get an...
  2. M

    Electrical problem

    I know only a little about electrics (Actually, I know only a little about most things) but would have thought the battery would be pretty consistant. That is to say, should it be the battery that's faulty, if I leave the car for two days, and the battery fails to hold any charge, then this...
  3. M

    Electrical problem

    When I say it was flat, I mean proper 'wow I don't believe it' flat. Not enough power to display the LCD clock. Insuficiant juice to show any dashboard lights. Really, absolutely and indefatigably flat. It made a certain Norwegian Blue parrot look lively and raring to go. That battery was dead...
  4. M

    Electrical problem

    Hi there Gentlemen, First of all, Merry Christmas, and may I be the first to wish you all a very happy Easter too. I have a bit of a weird problem. Back in September, I went to my Disco, only to find the battery to be almost flat. It had been fine and it (the battery) wasn't very old. I just...
  5. M

    Average miles to a full tank of fuel?

    Fuel up twice as often with half as much fuel. Why carry around 30 kilos of diesel if you don't need to?
  6. M


    I've heard (on a different forum) that the TDV6 & 8 are somewhat unreliable. This is a pity as I'd like to upgrade to a Range Rover. What does the panal think?
  7. M

    Ignorant inept newbie needs advice.

    Whoops, I've been a bit tied up recently and didn't check this thread. I shall slap myself about thoroughly. Thanks for all the replies, I'll stop worrying about that extra pipe outlet, but might as well keep the spare tubing on it as just somewhere to store it. Davek, 33.8 mpg is really good, I...
  8. M

    Average miles to a full tank of fuel?

    It really is quite a tricky question because it depends on so many things. Having said that, I rather think the first thing you need to look at is your driving style. That can make a masive difference. There are many things within that style that need to be held in mind. First, to acheive a...
  9. M

    Steering wheel for a P reg Disco

    Dippypud, I think we are talking at cross purposes here, probably my fault. 1. after my line ending "Either way...." the dots are meant to lead to "Hello :)" which is on the next line. In no way was it meant to indicate any "Attitude" I accept that E-bay has a fairly rapid turnover of items...
  10. M

    Steering wheel for a P reg Disco

    Hi Dippypud, I'm not sure if the "say hello nicely was to me or an instruction to yourself! Either way.... Hello :) Next, I looked at fleabay, but the only one for a non airbagged td300 was starting to wear where mine is worn. Not surprising really, it's where one holds it! GIYF ? Sorry not...
  11. M

    Steering wheel for a P reg Disco

    Recently I noticed that the steering wheel on my Disco was starting to fall apart. Ok, slight exageration, the foamy stuff is starting to break down. Is replacing it a big job? and where do members recommend I look for a replacement? While I'm here, I might as well add that the seats look like...
  12. M

    Ignorant inept newbie needs advice.

    Thanks James, yes tdi300 engine. Honest, I will try to learn a bit about it.
  13. M

    Ignorant inept newbie needs advice.

    I know this isn’t the thread for introductions, but I think it’s important for readers to understand what their getting themselves into ! I am the most dangerous animal that any motoring forum can have. I know next to nothing about what goes on under any bonnet. I have the mechanical...