1. L

    Newbie with two questions...

    Thanks Andy, much appreciated. Cheers Lee
  2. L

    Newbie with two questions...

    Thank you all for the friendly welcome and the replies to my post. Freebiker - thanks for the tip about the depth of cone on any replacement speaker, that wouldn't have crossed my mind. I notice you've got a sub in the cubby hole, is this the one at the back left hand side of the boot? Do you...
  3. L

    Newbie with two questions...

    Hello, I've recently bought an "02" Freelander GS TD4 3 door. While it's very different to anything I've had before, I'm very impressed with it so far. I intend to spend alot of time reading through this forum to see what I can learn. However, I have two questions already that I hope...