1. Z

    Leaks from sunroof

    If your not too precious about appearances from above, what I do is run duck tape over the gaps between the glass and the rubber seal of the sun roof over the winter, then come the Summer (well, the nice two weeks in late August, or if I take the Disco to France!) I peel it off for a short stint!
  2. Z

    FYI starting probs 300tdi

    Hi janderson41 Ref the solar panel: 1: Stick panel on dash 2:It comes with a long (about 4m of cable), run that down the side of the dash, then I found a hole through the dash where other services go from fuse box. 3: Cable tie cable through engine bay up to battery, then choose from two or...
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    FYI starting probs 300tdi

    Yep, I'd concur with a lot of what Skires says there. Another good tip, espcially if you use your Disco Mon to Fri for short journeys as I do, is get yourself one of those solar panel trickle feed gizmos from Maplin Electronics or similar. They are under a tenner, very easy to fit, sit out...
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    new guy

    Hello, and thanks for the welcome if that was intended for me? Not quite worked out how the thread work yet! I've used this site a few times to guide in fixing my two LR's, so I thought it was about time I joined in the community too!
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    Starter Motor Removal (2001) TD4 Freelander

    This was a real quick solution for me too, Many Thanks Buddy!