1. Ninja Haggis

    The rebuild starts here!

    Nice one Watty ! ... I still have the 'stripey wart' too ! Thats good news about the knot-tie-ing ! Maureen making an honest man of ye, after all ! Aiberdeen is basking in the usual wind, fog and -2 Degrees at High Noon ! :D .. but then, if it was 'easy', we'd let the English do it...
  2. Ninja Haggis

    The rebuild starts here!

    not THE Wattfield of Dunlop, with the Green XJR, and the 'one time handle' of Typhoid Mary, at Dent in the Dales ?? I have seen that red animal before ! .. when it made off with a luggage rack for an XJR 1300 from Stirling Services ! How the devil are you ?? !!!! Guess WHO !!!!!!! ;)
  3. Ninja Haggis

    my project

    It looks magic, Digby ... love it ! :D
  4. Ninja Haggis

    Hello All

    Hi Steve ... Good to (virtually) meet you :D
  5. Ninja Haggis

    Fuel gauge doing my head in

    From my problems and issues with the Temp Gauge, am I right in saying if you HAVE earthed the gauge, it'll read at full scale deflection all the time .. ( i.e read 'full' ) ? and perform effectively like a voltmeter... JM will know :D
  6. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    Ok .. bit of an update from yesterday. I took a bit of a deep breath before dismantling the dash, and thought.. just make some more final checks, and I'm kinda glad i did ... I was kind of 'aware' that I was stressing the wire that emerges from a loom, and connects to the sender ... not by...
  7. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    Thanks Dogsbody and Joachim .. yes, this is the 'plan' for the weekend... we'll rewire it and probably change out the gauge itself. I dont know what the 'prescribed voltage' is actually supposed to be ... but if take it at the sender end from Thermistor to ground, and then replicate...
  8. Ninja Haggis

    Thinking of selling the 90

    And the rest ! .. given the time of year n'all ... might as well benefit from a bit of 'snow tax' :D
  9. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    Its have to confess BB ... its doing my tits in. I'll get there, but I'm glad i'm not paying me by the hour ! :D I reckon there's probably a 'sliding scale' of whats considered acceptable, and each landy is (ideally) positioned somewhere along, but within that scale. Every day's a school...
  10. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    Ok.. Update on the state of play : New Temp Sender unit arrived from Steve Parker's... so we tackle the task of trying to get to the bottom of this weird issue earlier this evening. Here's what happened. : New Sender fitted, no problem... Refilled cooling system via exp bottle and rad...
  11. Ninja Haggis

    Nordkapp, how many days drive?

    I done Aberdeen to Nordkapp on the bike in 2003. Make the journey. You will NEVER regret this.... its stunning... And when I did it, there wasn't hardly a soul there, the whole way up. ( Bergen to Honningsvag ) Be prepared for the tunnels - there's some bloody long ones ! be...
  12. Ninja Haggis

    Complete newcomer....be gentle!

    :clap2::clap2:;) I like it ! :D :D Hello Matey. Did you know, there's a river named after you
  13. Ninja Haggis

    New member from Kernow

    Wire brush and dettol will soon sort that out. Hello Pasty-chops, from the other end of the country :clap2::D
  14. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    Mark-D ... this is the one ( above ) that is the exact match for the fine-threaded one in my 90. its sold as a 200tdi into 90 conversion sender... is this what you may need >?
  15. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    just to add to the above too ... the amount of crud and ****e thats caked around and in the spade connector, plus all the usual oily crap that follows the wire as it disappears into the 'snake' of other cabling, is something quite fearsome !...( i mean off the sender now.. ) So the opportunity...
  16. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    Havent had it tested Gratch ... however, there's no fan ( Kenlow or V/C type ) and has never been one since i had the landy... It does mean that i can get great visuals through the fins , which all seem to be still there, and pretty much clear. - I am a bit suss over the insides of the core of...
  17. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    Well thats the first bit underway ... Got the 'existing' sensor out the way, and its definately the 'fine thread' version .. ( 6 threads )... so a new one has been ordered from Steve Parkers. The existing one is in a bit of a state, and if i've got a handle on this correctly, its basically...
  18. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    ... or the wiring . Earths are my other main suspect ! :D Gauge cant really 'go off'.
  19. Ninja Haggis

    Dreaded temperature.....

    Never got much chance today to investigate further.. but was thinking about this problem. Am i right in thinking that the temperature sender unit must be effectively a thermistor ? ( a variable-resistance risistor ) which will change the voltage which is supplied to the gauge ? If so... ( and...
  20. Ninja Haggis

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux piccies & moo-vees fred

    Nice one on the vid's & pics ... brilliant for those who couldn't get anywhere near this event ( i.e me ! )... looks great.. keep 'em coming :D :D