1. F

    when turning the wheel!

    If i do its very little! ie read further on it might bee somthing to do with the horn or somthing! i need a haynes manual!
  2. F

    when turning the wheel!

    When i turn the steering column makes a sound like somthing is grinding inside! it sounds like a bearing but i know nothing about them so any ideas guys? its a 1996 disco dont know if that matters! 300 tdi Any help would be most welcome thanks flybynight
  3. F

    Smoking on start up GGRRRRRR

    so you just have to live with it then? didnt think that would be the case! but thanks for the answer to my post! lookinng forwad to geting her going proper!
  4. F

    Smoking on start up GGRRRRRR

    Hi guys i bought a 1996 disco and so far i love it! a seals gone on a hub or something so its leaked all over the wheel but its in on Tuesday to get that sorted! what im asking about is that every time i start the engine up a blast of black smoke comes out! and its each time! i can turn the...
  5. F

    help please!!

    there going to do new cam and service etc i think waxoil thing as well! god shows what i know! if it makes no odds about miles as long as it has been looked after i might save myself some money to! Thanks flybynight:)
  6. F

    Help needed urgent!

    lol ta!
  7. F

    help please!!

    Its hard! im speaning about 6500 on the lot with things on it i want but the garage guy will reduce the price for the one with less miles but he recons its the better choice as it has been looked after! its difficult your mind says les millage must be better but in the case of a 300tdi if its...
  8. F

    Help needed urgent!

    lol thaks for that useful advice!:)
  9. F

    Help needed urgent!

    green !:confused:
  10. F

    help please!!

    I have to make a choice between two defenders! both about the same age however one has 80k and the other 115k. but the one with 80k has not been looked after and looks to have been a work horse! the one with 115k is like brand new. seats are in good nick etc! no history both have had knocks and...
  11. F

    Help needed urgent!

    I have to make a choice between two defenders! both about the same age however one has 80k and the other 115k. but the one with 80k has not been looked after and looks to have been a work horse! the one with 115k is like brand new. seats are in good nick etc! no history both have had knocks and...
  12. F

    Green lanes in Lancashire and lake district???

    Dont worry i wont be breaking the law! im a bobby lol! thats why im trying to learn as much as i can! Thanks for the links and advice! Regards flybynight
  13. F

    Green lanes in Lancashire and lake district???

    I think i will add some protection to it as time goes on! but from what your saying im not going to need all that! :) so happy days! Now all i have to do is wait while they get there act together and rebuid it for me!:eek:
  14. F

    Green lanes in Lancashire and lake district???

    My biggist concern was under the 90 ! i cant afford for it to get protection everywhere. But glad to hear my tyres will do the job! :) So how do you work out maps etc? how do you know where u can go?
  15. F

    Green lanes in Lancashire and lake district???

    To be honest im in an old 200tdi disco at the momment but i take delivery of a 90 mid to late june! my 90 will have all terrain tyres on and forgive my ignorance a metal plate thing under the front but really i could afford to add alot more to it. so its not got it suspension done or anyting...
  16. F

    Green lanes in Lancashire and lake district???

    IS there any sigtes with rights of way green lanes i can see on the net ??? Anyone:confused:
  17. F

    Green lanes in Lancashire and lake district???

    Im in blackpool!
  18. F

    Green lanes in Lancashire and lake district???

    HEEELLLOOOOWWWW ANYONE OUT THERE?????????:confused: :eek:
  19. F

    Green lanes in Lancashire and lake district???

    Im getting my defender at the end of june! Just waiting for some work to be done on it extras put on lol its a 90 300tdi ! i would like to know of any places i could go green laneing in lancashire and cumbria? Regards Flybynight
  20. F

    Just to say hello

    Just thought i would say hello! I havnt got my 90 yet but i hope to have one in a few weeks. My first love is falconry and i have recently got an air rife to keep me out while my hawk moults. Anyway hope to read up and get some advice on here!