1. F

    Iveco Massif

    I agree with you, we all have a great sense of humour, but if you call someone an IMBESCILE, just like your buddy Yella did, my sense of humour diminisces, but I'm sure your sense of humour would be affected if I called yuo an Imbescile...... I was willing, and still am, to forget, if someone...
  2. F

    Iveco Massif

    Hello ****HEAD....:D It seems you can't let go....,it seems that as a Racist ****head Bully, you can't loose face with some of your buddies...... Maybe the forum moderators can help us out, by locking-up this thread....... This should cover, what was still missing.... Bye Bye...
  3. F

    Iveco Massif

    Wow, isn't that a statement.......did you have to look it up, or being an asshole is an inborn talent of yours ...:D You're just a looser...... My last reply on the subject....
  4. F

    Iveco Massif

    Nah, It's just that you're the senior PRICK, and it's useless to continue.....
  5. F

    Iveco Massif

    let's decide that we can both agree to disagree, and it doesn't matter if you live in a different country, and are married to an italian, I do feel sorry for her......, or work for a foreign company, you're still a racist prick. I finally think we have found a common ground, I believe...
  6. F

    Iveco Massif

    I might need a translator, but you're just a racist asshole......let me check my translator .... oh yes, it confirms it! Oh By the way, thank you for the Warm welcome....and feel free to join an italian forum, and see what you can write, you idiot!
  7. F

    Iveco Massif

    Who cares about the other folks, you made a RACIST and OFFENSIVE remark, to someone you don't even know, do you understand that or not??????????????????????? And what flag do we usually wave? please let me know.....
  8. F

    Newbie from Italy

    Make sure you visit, La Reggia di Caserta, it's a beautiful Palace, almost a copy of the french Versailles Palace. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay in caserta, and the food is really good, and the mozzarella di bufala, is excellent. Enjoy the stay in italy Ciao
  9. F

    Iveco Massif

    Wow, another dick head in here.......:D,
  10. F

    Iveco Massif

    I don't give a **** about the PC card you asshole, you just replied as a **** head moroon......, is the phrasing closer to your liking now......:D But Thank you for your reply......
  11. F

    Iveco Massif

    Isn' t that a stereotypical, offensive and racist remark, have you ever met a real italian? Maybe you need to open up your horizons and become less provincial, the world is global and Land Rover enthusiast, come from all over the world ...!!, I thought this thread was about the IVECO...
  12. F

    Iveco Massif

    Did anybody see the Iveco Massif ?, what do you think about this Santana restyled Land Rover for Iveco? http://www.italiaspeed.com/2007/cars/other/iveco/02/massif/gallery/gallery.html
  13. F

    Newbie from Italy

    Ciao, pretty close.....:) In what part of Italy are you going? north or south?
  14. F

    Newbie from Italy

    Will show a few rough sketches soon...... Ciao Italo
  15. F

    Newbie from Italy

    Hello from sunny Italy.. I live in a little village near Milano, and at 5km. from the Monza race circuit. I learned how to drive, 30yrs ago now!!!!....in an old 109 Landie in Africa, Nigeria to be exact. I've always liked the ruggedness of it, and the go anywhere attitude of old Land Rovers...