1. lammy57

    weber 34 icev

    Hi my series 3 has a weber 34 icev carb on it and it needs a new float cant find one anywhere doing my head in seems a strange carb to fit any info would be great
  2. lammy57

    fairly free wheeling hubs not engaging

    Thanks for the replys it is just one hub it is nice and clean and seems to be turning only one way will have a proper look and see if it needs a file etc, have to get a new oring fir it! will try and get on with it at the weekend
  3. lammy57

    fairly free wheeling hubs not engaging

    Hi I have these hubs on my ser 3 and one will not go from 4x4 to 4x2 have taken it apart cant see anything wrong!I know everyone will say chuck them in the bin but there on it the now:( so just trying to fix what I have got
  4. lammy57

    Engine oil confusion

    I was thinking about using this!Carlube Daytona 20W50 Motor Oil, 5010373896303
  5. lammy57

    Motocross bike carrier?

  6. lammy57

    Killin scotland

    on the way to the lambretta agm in taynuilt had a wee prob wa exhaust gasket nice place to stophttp://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm252/lammy70/lcsagm2012003.jpg
  7. lammy57

    motorbike carrier

    Been going on from the 50s got stopped with the foot and mouth out break Vintage Scooter Scrambling - The Bats S.C - YouTube
  8. lammy57

    motorbike carrier

    mate used to use one off they carriers on his audi modified to take his grasstracking lambretta from Edinburgh to Kent quite a lot cant see a prob on the 88 Al-tho wiser people will soon tell me I am wrong lol
  9. lammy57

    A trip round Scotland - recommend me where to go?

    Glen Coe is a must especially when the snows about
  10. lammy57

    take off or keep on

    Thanks just wot I thought coming off
  11. lammy57

    Series 3 rebuild

    Foam is the gloss ones! Its looking good
  12. lammy57

    take off or keep on

    Wot do you think take of light bar or keep it on doesn't look right in my mind
  13. lammy57

    Dead Battery

    Wife went in to halfords on the way home from work! they only had the 072 on database for land rover. It is british code 069! He could' nt understand! computer says no! as you said terminals wrong way round on 072 said he would phone head office and to phone back on Monday ffs I will order one...
  14. lammy57

    Dead Battery

    I think its the battery voltage drops as starter goes slower if you know what I mean found the invoice for bat and its dated 2004 came with all history so it is pointing to bat thanks Have to wait for the wife coming in before I go to halfords shes got the money lol
  15. lammy57

    Dead Battery

    Hi just popped down to the shops and got back in to go flat battery! thank god for the starter handle question is do halfords have batterys for ser 3 try ed searching but cant find one so to date of owning the 88 reverse lights stopped working exhaust blowing (new back section bought) free...
  16. lammy57

    1979 series 3 exhaust

    Had a look in a couple o books and it seems to be a optional extra ordered the twin box one as that is whats on it should be a quick change lol
  17. lammy57

    1979 series 3 exhaust

    Hi I have a series 3 and I have just come back from a run and noticed the exhaust silencer box is blowing It has two silencers! done a quick search and found one but the question is there a difference in performance or is it ok to just put the one silencer on as a complete system ie no jetting...
  18. lammy57

    Hi from lothians

    Hi I have just bought a series 3 having great fun in it going deaf! Its just like my Lambretta vague steering **** brakes not a lot o power sorted that on the lammy so now to start on the series!