1. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    I've wondered what the bloody hell two little lights flashing on my dash means! After looking on this forum I've found out - fecking expense!! I'm now looking for a small person to thump!:(
  2. S

    Would you stop and help!!!

    I always stop if the person looks vunerable (I don't mean special!). It helps if you are female and obviously broken down. I've picked up any amount of hitch hikers - some of them look as bloody scruffy as assholes, but with the exception of one (dragged out the van by the scruff and told to...
  3. S

    welding advice :(

    As you are welding panels in place you will inevitably find areas where the panel is supposed to meet but has rotted beyond. You get over this by spot welding the panel in place and then cutting away the rot. This way your new panel will be correctly placed and you can continue along the rotten...
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    Wammers has my complete sympathy! I was driving a defender, towing a trailer with an old series 2 on the back right through the middle of London (yes, sounds foolish, but needs must!). I have a fair bit of experience of towing large loads and driving big vehicles and was obviously being very...
  5. S

    12v 4watt solar panel

    I have one of these panels on my van and on my Africa Twin motorbike and they work really well, but you must not run the engine while they are connected (according to the instructions). Obviously not a problem on a bike, but with my van I wired an additional cigarette socket (via a fuse)...
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    welding advice :(

    I had my own fabrication buisness(in the trade for twelve years) so have done a few runs of weld over the years and can honsetly say the advice given here is really sound. Snap-on migs are really good but I agree with the chap above that for good value for money a clarke welder is great. I still...
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    Discovery purchase advise!