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    Rebuilt series 2.25 diesel lost power!!

    Hello I must agree with a couple of the above. If the lift pump is dragging up ok. Then please check out the injectors. How bad is it smoking? 1963 2.25 Lash up kind of a 2a
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    Coventry Green Laning experiance!

    Not sure I know the lane in question but I am local ( Coventry) so if you ever fancy a drive out just give me a shout. 1963 88" Lash together.
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    Italy anybody interested

    Hello. This may sound a little strange but. I intended to take my landy over to north west Italy in May next year for about 10 days. I have an old farm house about an hour from the Swiss border near a town called Ivera. There is mile after mile of forest tracks to explore some being...
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    Possible loss of sanity

    Thanks to all for your help. Dr Evil I owe you a beer of two although looking at your profile picture I am not entirely sure I would care to meet you in a dark alley.
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    Possible loss of sanity

    I currently have a 1963 mostly 2a landrover. While my fuel pump is away having much needed TLC I thought (bad move) I would replace the oil in the dif's and gear boxes. The gear boxes were not a porblem. The front Dif was a little on the dry side so empted it out and refilled:). Now the bad...
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    I have a slight problem and would really like some advise. While my desial injection pump is...

    I have a slight problem and would really like some advise. While my desial injection pump is away having a major sort out. I thought It would be an ideal time to change the oil in the dif's The front dif was a little dry so not a problem drained it and refilled:). The rear I removed the plug and...