1. Stig-2010

    V8 deep water help?

    Thanks alot lads I've got an idea wot needs doing now.
  2. Stig-2010

    derbyshire greenlane trip 16th?

    16 oct 2011
  3. Stig-2010

    V8 deep water help?

    Thanks alot brother what lift kit would u suggest?
  4. Stig-2010

    V8 deep water help?

    300/bhp/ton Don't want go billing or anything like that. Top of wheels maybe. We get deep flood waters where I live so I don't want break it by being stupid and not doing it propley
  5. Stig-2010

    V8 deep water help?

    300/bhp Well I'm not goin billing or anything like that just at the top of the wheels or sumthing like that. We get very deep flood waters were I live So I want my landy to cope with it and not break. Prevention is the best fix I think.
  6. Stig-2010

    V8 deep water help?

    Thanks dr evil much appreciated
  7. Stig-2010

    V8 deep water help?

    Ok so if I take my time I'l Be ok. Call me thick but Are my electrics goin be ok or do I need do sumthing withthem? I'm a newby
  8. Stig-2010

    V8 deep water help?

    So your saying dont go in any water at all?
  9. Stig-2010

    V8 deep water help?

    Hi all I'm new to this type:) of thing and was just wondering if there is any special things I need to do to my 110 v8 it before I enter any deep water. Already have a snorkel and axel extensions. Any help please guys n gals...