Biting The Bullet/Taking The Plunge & other cliches..

    Hiya, yes, so far as I'm aware from looking previously at the DVLA/DirectGov sites I should be safe with an S2 TD5 at £260 py. I can afford the 400 odd but it's the principle I object to as I'm paying a fortune in tax every time I stick diesel in, so if I can claw a bit back on the tax disc...
  2. GCHQ

    Biting The Bullet/Taking The Plunge & other cliches..

    Thanks for all the sage advice everyone. I'm going to start looking around for 'the' right one and will bide my time but hopefully I'll be in a Discovery sooner rather than later. :) D.
  3. GCHQ

    Biting The Bullet/Taking The Plunge & other cliches..

    Cheers. I always try & do my homework before launching into a forum but on this occasion just wanted experience & opinions re ownership really.. All the best, D. :)
  4. GCHQ

    Biting The Bullet/Taking The Plunge & other cliches..

    Cheers for that - so far as I'm aware, HMG reckon it's £260 a year for the TD5 so that's do-able. I'm afraid there's no way I'm shelling out £400-plus though, & certainly not a grand. :eek: The Japanese re-import thing is quite a popular option isn't it? Pardon the ignorance but do you have...
  5. GCHQ

    Biting The Bullet/Taking The Plunge & other cliches..

    Hello all. Seeing as how I'm now a 'grown up' (cough - 40 - cough) & having already had one early mid-life crisis, I feel it's time for another. For many years, friends & family have taunted me with their Land Rovers of various flavours & I've always promised myself that one day I'd have one...
  6. GCHQ

    It's plunge-taking time..

    Hello all, I find myself dangerously close to buying my first Land Rover after many years of being surrounded by friends & family who own some of Solihull's finest products (and, it's fair to say, a few clunkers..). I got the Italian car thing out of my system a while back & am currently...