1. D

    Colour for project 90

    Tartan ? or clear. Mind you if you paint it clear, once it dries you might not find it again!
  2. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    I'll give it a go and see what happens - when i spoke to my insurance company the one who i have my main motor with, they told me the following... If i was to drive a 7.5T vehicle on my licence, I would not be insured regardless of the physical gross weight at that time. (i.e vehicle empty...
  3. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    I follow your logic... thanks. Neither the DVLA or DfT want to put there cock on the block and make a decision. I don't know how easy if at all possible to get it reclassified though... I'm happy to remove the seats, wont 5 as a minimum and maybe 8 max for when we all jump in and go to away...
  4. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    Thanks... when you word something differently it reads so much better. LOL. I actually had the similar conversation with the DVLA and they couldn't answer it sensibly... even if i can get the exemptions to work, i need business insurance to commute to different work places (i'm self employed...
  5. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    Right... DVLGay say... number of seats category B entitles you to is 8 passenger seats (they may be 9 in total with a driver but i didn't ask) They did say for confirmation speak to the Department of Transport, so i did. They say they have nothing to add and therefore it's as per the DVLA...
  6. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    Your just an argumentative cock rash... let's be honest! Whats the point of getting so aggressive. I haven't asked for your opinion and I STILL THINK YOUR WRONG! 1. The vehicle is not older than 30 years old FACT NUMBER 1 2. It is not classed as a mini bus (the points i, ii, iii, etc all...
  7. D

    had an idea

    It is isn't it. Prevent the ba$tards from getting in in the first place. Laminate your windows (side and rear) with a clear laminate (same stuff they tint windows with but clear), stops them breaking the glass as eastly but it also makes it difficult for you to get out through the window in...
  8. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    LOL :hysterically_laughi ahhh, iv'e seen those, apparently if you get to level 4 your aloud to take the hand break off un-supervised
  9. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    kick a man while he's down... I think you can get licences for tracked vehicles on the road which i always thought was a bit of a joke? my dad's got a licence for a UFO... any advances?? (obivously i haven't :D)
  10. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    Does that not say that the vehicle has to be more than 30 years old at the time i drive it to be exempt .... i'm looking at stuff up 10/11 year old max. And it's not a mini bus by classification, it's a car... is it not? I don't think those exemptions apply to my circumstances? I'm going to...
  11. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    I passed in Jan 2001, didn't turn 17 until July 2000.
  12. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    It wasn't supposed to make you spit the dummy out ... this is though. i understand the rules of the forum... as long as your making the jokes it's all cool. :cool: And as for freindship and advice... i've seen your examples of both on here, and 90% of the time you offer nothing much more...
  13. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    I ain't an idiot... i passed my cycling proficiency test at the age of 6 and i once got a gold star for baking a cheese cake :cool: ;)
  14. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    LOL :hysterically_laughi Cock sack - I cant disagree though!! 90 for people who can't drive anything longer than their own height and needs parking posts at the supermarket and dicks who aren't smart enough to spend more ****ing money getting a licence like ya bleedin Granny has who cant...
  15. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    Not yet.... paid a deposit today, went to sort our my insurance so i could pick it up on Saturday... Got a £200 deposit to try to get back. Isn't the 90 just for people who can't drive anything longer than a ford focus? :D ... and just wait for the abuse :blabla: LOL
  16. D

    Government duck you over and over and over

    Just realised, i'm not allowed to legally insure a 110 station wagon without taking a mini ****ing bus test (and passing D licence). You know why... cos i passed my driving test after 31st December 1997. Anyone who passed their test after 31st Dec 1997 is limited to 3.5T vehicles, 750kg...
  17. D

    End2End 4x4 Challenge

    Get a rib and go up the coast - 100% off road then! :D Good Luck... I think that's a great idea what your doing. Have some fun and use charities to do it. Outstanding! :D
  18. D

    All this theft?

    As anyone considered that some ducking bankers that keep taking all the LR's visit this site? We are proud to tell of the modifications we have done and hence highlighting the value of our vehicles. I'm sure even if you don't advertise your location it may not be too difficult to work out...
  19. D

    Iceland Trip. Chicken drum sticks and Turkey Twisslers

    Nice one. Only thing is that post is 5 to 6 years old now. Prices and routes may have changed. Going to investigate further. ** edit, yes Norway may have to be the back up... thanks **
  20. D

    Iceland Trip. Chicken drum sticks and Turkey Twisslers

    Just been looking to price a trip up over to Iceland. No wise ass, not the frozen food chain at the end of you road! :D They be ****ed if you turned the frozen party food isle into a drive thru! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ** Not to mention Kerry Katona trying to bum a smoke off you or...