1. jroo19

    Disco 2 bearing noise

    So today I started to get a really loud rumbling noise with vibration, feels and sounds like it's coming from the gearbox area, it's only present when I reach 15mph or if put it in low then it's present as soon as I move and louder than in high. Problem is I'm in Cornwall with limited tools and...
  2. jroo19

    Disco 2 - LPG problems

    I gave it a good run and it runs fine on petrol, the problem with LPG was the pipe from the gas valve for cylinder 6 had collapsed inside, swapped it and its running sweet.
  3. jroo19

    Disco 2 - LPG problems

    I am using these Champion plugs, brand new. I've checking its sparking and its fine, i even swapped plugs from a different cylinder just to be certain, its still missing on cylinder 7 when idling. One thing i did notice is there was a bit of oil on the plug when i removed it from cyl7, not on...
  4. jroo19

    Disco 2 - LPG problems

    OK i'll check it in the morning, thanks.
  5. jroo19

    Disco 2 - LPG problems

    I've fitted all new plugs, they are all set at 0.8mm
  6. jroo19

    Disco 2 - LPG problems

    OK i finally got round to changing the leads. Its still misfiring. My nanocom has arrived too, i'm getting the following faults; P0134 P0300 P0307 P1000 P0305 On petrol it only misfires on cylinder 7 when idling, rev it over 1200 rpm and it runs fine on all cylinders. On gas it misfires on...
  7. jroo19

    Disco 2 - LPG problems

    Ok so i've just got round to changing the leads, 1st thing i've noticed is the coil pack bracket is only held on by 1 pin and that was loose, does the bracket need a good earth through the engine?
  8. jroo19

    Disco 2 - LPG problems

    Its now started misfiring when stood still running on petrol, could it be simply a case of changing the HT leads and plugs?
  9. jroo19

    Disco 2 - LPG problems

    I recently purchased a Disco 2, i drove it back 180 miles of motorway, ran sweet as a nut, really impressed with it. However a couple of days later when using it locally the LPG has started playing up. Basically it starts on petrol and runs up to temperature fine, but when it switches to LPG it...
  10. jroo19

    Disco 1 & 2 auto box

    Thanks, i'm thinking of going for a v8 with lpg, we don't tow long distances so i'm not too concerned about fuel costs.
  11. jroo19

    Disco 1 & 2 auto box

    Thanks, out of curiosity which do you prefer for towing? the v8 or the TD5?
  12. jroo19

    Disco 1 & 2 auto box

    Just wondered if the auto box on a disco 1 300tdi is the same as a disco 2 v8? Reason i ask is i'm looking at buying a disco 2 for caravanning but from past experiences i don't want the same auto box as the 300tdi because i fried both, We take the caravan to the peak district so lots of hills. I...
  13. jroo19

    Disco 1 300tdi spare or repairs

    I'm getting rid of 1 of my disco's, see the ebay ad here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=201502228038 I'm open to offers from Landyzone members, just PM any serious offers. Based in Stoke on Trent. Please note i'll be adding more pics tommorow as stated on the listing as...
  14. jroo19

    Disco body coversion

    Cheers for the link, shame there wasn't much info on how he made it fit, i'll be keeping me eye out for cheap D2 then now.
  15. jroo19

    Disco body coversion

    Ok thanks.
  16. jroo19

    Disco body coversion

    The shell on my Disco 1 has more gaping holes than a brothel so i wondered if A: does the disco 2 shell fit the 300tdi chassis, and B: if it does are they just as bad for rot as the D1 shell?
  17. jroo19

    Learning to weld

    Gasless is ****e, spattery as hell, smokes like buggery, stick to gas, its loads better and cheaper in the long run.
  18. jroo19

    potential discovery purchase

    Put it this way, if you're not doing the work yourself its usually cheaper to buy another with MOT than try and MOT one.
  19. jroo19

    external roll cage

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