1. Devs

    1995 300Tdi Quick sale required!

    Hi mate could you email pics Nickdevenney@gmail.com
  2. Devs

    Essex lanes

    nice work on the pics stu!!! some wicked shots!!
  3. Devs

    Essex lanes

    good night out tonight!!! thanks for making matt and i feel welcome!! nice to put some names to faces! looking forward to the next outing
  4. Devs

    Essex lanes

    Hi all I saw a post earlier in the week about laning tonight? Myself and a mate are interested in tagging along on our discos I've tried trawling back through the pages to find the meeting info and planned route, unfortunately I'm in deepest Norfolk at the mo and on the "O don't bother...
  5. Devs

    Essex lanes

    i'll be up for that wickford90, where abouts do you meet? i'm laindon, so by your name i am guessing your not far away?
  6. Devs

    Essex lanes

    cheers for the response mate!!! found a few decent byways up around there. still a bit dry at the moment but looks as though some of them are going to be qyuite challenging. will keep an eye out for an organised event on here and hopefully be able to meet some new faces!! has anyone done the...
  7. Devs

    Essex lanes

    alright everyone!!! been doing a fair bit of laning around north essex recently! is anyone out and about this sunday??
  8. Devs

    Boot Seats

    Hi all i have recently bought my disco1 300tdi. The old girl came as a 7 seater, however i don't really have any requirement for the boot seats. Is there much demand for these out there? where would the best place be to advertise?? fleabay?? any ideas of a fair price for them would be? cheers...
  9. Devs

    hello all

    i'll do the same!!! maybe after its too late to be laning though lol
  10. Devs

    hello all

    lol cheers rosie!!! and you wish i stalked you!!! lets get our planning heads on tomorrow and find some lincolnshire lanes!!
  11. Devs

    Where do you live?

    laindon in essex disco1 300tdi
  12. Devs

    hello all

    its not the prettiest of motors. but then thats not what i wanted. it has only had 3 previous owners and only the last owner has used it offroad. cosmetically she has had some bangs and knocks, but structually she is sound!! deffo a starting point!
  13. Devs

    ayyy up matey!!

    ayyy up matey!!
  14. Devs

    hello all

    Hi Lads and lasses, joined the site last weekend. I have been toying with the idea of buying a disco for a long time now, as i fancy getting into green laning and off roading. well i finally took the plunge and bought my first disco today: 1994 300tdi it came with mud tyres, rock sliders...