1. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    One more thought. I know of a disco 200tdi with about 100k on the clock, with the add ons radiator etc for £500. Its from a friend I trust. I'm wondering whether to bite the bullet and go down that route? Painful though it would be, and an admssion of defeat. If so has anyone posted any good...
  2. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    Thanks folks, does the fact that cyls 2&3 give the same reading suggest a blown gasket between them , or not necessarily? Even if so, I don't follow how a damaged gasket would cause the crank case to pressurise?
  3. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    Thanks for the feedback. But if i take the head off and find gasket damage, what then ? Even If I spend a few quid on a new gasket is it not likely to recur? Cheers folks.
  4. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    Well, i did the compression tests today in sub zero temperatures. Deep joy. Not good news, from front to rear the figures were 400,350,350, and 410. The glow plugs were all out, but I put one back into two and retested 3 in case a worn head gasket was causing the problem. Same result. Not sure...
  5. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    No as I recall the bores were just checked for wear and measured, by my mate who knows much more than me, he said they needed +20's, thats what I bought, and fitted. I'll pressure test and post the results. Cheers.
  6. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    I'm going to do compression tests as suggested. Does anyone know, what figures I'm looking for? Ive trawled the net but no joy. Any other tips? Many thanks for reading.
  7. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    Yes, Ive been thinking just that, but I was wondering/hoping something else might be capable of causing these symptoms.
  8. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    I doubt its the rings, the pistons were all new. Deglazed the cylinder walls, but I guess they could have gone out of shape? Hope not, all that work for nothing...:(
  9. moorlander

    2.5 TD breathing heavy....gasp!

    Hi folks, the old girl is blowing oil out of the breather cap, its so bad I've Routed the pipe to the back of the chassis. I now have a very rare twin exhaust series 3 Land rover! I know this is usually symptomatic of a worn engine, but in fairness less than 3 years and 15,000 miles ago I...
  10. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    The really odd thing is, she starts, runs for a few seconds, and then cuts out. So the plugs are ok, or she wouldn't start at all. This then points to a fuel problem. In fact, on Saturday, while looking it over, I did eventually find a very slight leak on the fuel return to the injector pump...
  11. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    Well I thought the cold start problem was sorted......but no, I think the good start after advancing the timing was a fluke. I've found myself back at square one. Smoking but not starting until the 3rd or 4th attempt, though the exhaust is smoking. Tonight I decided to test thr the heater plug...
  12. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    Well folks finally sorted the problem. Advanced the pump timing and now she starts and keeps running. Hope this helps someone else.;)
  13. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    I'll run it tomorrow and double check , maybe I'll see some clues in rhe snow underneath. Cheers:)
  14. moorlander

    Series 2 Fitting a Oil Pressure Gauge to a 2.25 petrol engine

    I fitted a Tim oil pressure gauge kit a couple of years ago, straightforward and never given any trouble. Lou has a 19j engine ( 2.5TD) but I imagine it will be the same with yours but worth checking.
  15. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    The plot thickens. I checked the banjo on top of the fuel filter after I'd primed it on the hand pump, and diesel was present, I let it stand over night and next morning couldn't see any diesel on the ground or in the top of the the fuel filter. So I thought well perhaps the problem is being...
  16. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    Jump started her earlier with a fully charged second battery as well, span over like a good un, but first two attempts were failures, she ran lumpy for a couple of seconds and then cut out. third go she ran lumpy and then settled down. The good news in all of this is at least I spotted where...
  17. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    Ps. In the rebuild, put new +10 pistons in.
  18. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    Hmmm, interesting stuff. I've done the valve settings a fortnight ago. It cranks well battery was fully charged a week ago but I have a fully charged spare, I'll attach that with jump leads see if it makes any difference, if not it aint the battery. The glow plugs are modern plugs, about 2 years...
  19. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    hi folks tried various things, fuel filter, checked everywhere for fuel leaks, had a piece of paper underneath to check for fuel leakage, nothing. the head was reskimmed 3 years ago and obviously i put on a new gasket. Always starts on the third tun of the key, provided i give it plenty of...
  20. moorlander

    Bugger to start......

    I'll check, if it is that, its 200tdi time :rolleyes: