1. V

    Help locked out of car -discovery 2

    ...if the worst comes to the worst... thanks for that!!!
  2. V

    Help locked out of car -discovery 2

    Thanks guys, I'm no mechanic, and the Disco is not a car I know my way around... But this info will be really helpful to feed back to my friend. Cheers all!:)
  3. V

    Help locked out of car -discovery 2

    Thanks for the heads up on the lock issue, Ratty - I wonder if it's been like that a while & he's never noticed it because the fob was working OK? No access to the starter motor of course (unless there's something I don't know here?) If we could get into the engine bay it would've been easy all...
  4. V

    Help locked out of car -discovery 2

    As far as I am aware it's just a flat battery through lack of use after he got a new car (unless he's REALLY unlucky and something else has gone at the same time!)
  5. V

    Help locked out of car -discovery 2

    Sorry to reignite this thread - but I could do with help on this one. An old neighbour is locked out of his Disco 2 in exactly the way described. The key turns 180 in the lock but without response. WE HAVE THE KEY - so not trying to break in! (Trust me, I'm a vicar! No, really) Just trying...