1. W

    OUCH!....my V8 90 doesn't want to work anymore :(

    Hi GRUNT, Thanx....your input is extremely well received, but I did check that along with the rest of the ignition system and I am extremely miserable in saying that we were both wrong (I had even suspected that as well, eventually)....the entire ignition system holds out well, as does the...
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    OUCH!....my V8 90 doesn't want to work anymore :(

    Tumultum, You were right....new camshafts and associated parts definitely required. Parts are ordered and work to be done this week. Apparently the camshaft is relatively soft metal and its only the hydralic tappets that saved me from having to it sooner!
  3. W

    Hi from Wiltshire.

    Brian, I am in Earith, on the River Great Ouse (not literally, most of the time at least), but close enough to Ely to still recognise an incline when I see one! As for inspecting fields of cabbages, I will certainly not ask why. The mind boggles (as does my V8 at the moment, sadly). Neil
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    OUCH!....my V8 90 doesn't want to work anymore :(

    Tumultum, Thanks for the input....I have to admit that I think you're correct and that I have to make some serious overhauls to the top end. I suppose she has done about 100k without any intervention in that area and, as I understand it, the hydraulic tappets means that the engine is very...
  5. W

    Hi from Wiltshire.

    Hope you find what you're looking (as they sing on the song)....give my best to the Wiltshire countryside when you next see her through your windscreen (Its a bit bloody flat here in my temporary abode in Cambridgeshire!!)
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    OUCH!....my V8 90 doesn't want to work anymore :(

    OK...don't laugh (not too loudly anyway)....my prestigeous but thirsty V8 90 has suddenly decided to die on me (I suppose she is 20 years old after all, but well maintained and in generally good nick, and a great workhorse, for a meccano kit). Symptoms are that she runs fine when starting from...
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    Hi from Wiltshire.

    Hi Brian, Used to live in Wiltshire for many a year (last 15 years in tiny village in the Pewsey Vale, but with 8k acres of good shooting syndicate and more opportunities to use Landy capabilities than you could shake a hairy stick at!) Don't know where you are, but you might just know the...
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    Hi from Camridgeshire!

    You're right...I will investigate exchange options and let you know!
  9. W

    Hi from Camridgeshire!

    Thanx for the advice...sort of figured that much 50,000 miles and an overdraft / second mortgage ago...only question is whether to change the power unit in the beast, or swap her for something completely different instead, Landy-wise, and so solve the problem in one fell swoop!
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    Hi from Camridgeshire!

    Hi fellow Landy-ers...North Cambridgeshire calling. I am Neil and the proud (usually) owner of a 1987 vintage 90 V8 wagon. Given the house brick aerodyanimcs of this thirsty lady, if anyone knows where I can buy cheap petrol......;)